Aria was one of the first few to leave, right behind Aaron. As they approached Dale, she activated her Innocence with a battle prayer. "God above in Heaven's Grace, guide my arm and give me strength." As she muttered the prayer under her breath, her right arm started changing, from under her sleeveless uniform a blackness started covering it, swelling it and changing it. At her elbow the blackness started protruding, growing outward and sharpening until her entire arm was a blade. She took off, her Innocence giving her speed and strength, and was one of the first to meet the Akuma head on. There were plenty of level ones there, but she ignored them for the most part. She was after a specific breed. A level 2 came up on her right, throwing purple fireballs from a rooftop, and she belined straight for it. It saw her coming and turned it's attacks on her, but she easilly deflected them. Two Level ones moved in front of her as she jumped, but she battered them away with her blade. "STOP HIDING BEHIND YOUR PAWNS, COWARD!" She yelled as she leaped again. This time she was fast enough, and her blade pierced straight through the Level two. The Akuma shuddered for a second, then burst into black bubbles and was absorbed by her blade, which seemed to glow an even deeper black before returning to it's normal state, if subtly changed. The blade now had a serrated edge, and she quickly looked around for more Level twos to feed it.