[center][b]Dec 1, 2022 Floor 1-Tolbana, City Gate ________________________________________[/b][/center] "Hey, who's the girl?" Saul asked as they approached the hooded female. "Don't get any ideas Saul, she is just a friend." Saul grinned as he poked Nicholas in the side, "Ah, come on no-" Nick cut him off a slap to the back of the head. "Ah, why do you always hit me?" Nick let out a laugh, "Quiet... Hello Namora. Seems you got yourself in some trouble." Nick mocked as Saul caught up. "Fucking player killers. Don't they know it is murder..." Saul face twisted in anger, but before he could do anything stupid, Nick placed his hand on Saul's shoulder, "Hey. Some people are fucked up. Happened in real life too. Ignore them, not reason to start something. Besides, we are going hunting remember." Saul nodded. "So lets get going. Hey, Namora, you wanna come along? Never hurts to have help." Nick offered up a party invite to Namora, kinda hoping she would accept. She was one of his better customers and he always wanted to know how she stood in a fight. "We are heading into the Labyrinth to grind a little. Just the first few floors though, not trying to get our self killed." Saul chuckled, "Yeah, we're hoping a Flag Mob shows up. Mr.Smith here needs some more metal and without mining it, the only other way right now is to breakdown items. And those goblins are loaded." Nick nodded then turned his attention back to Namora, "So, whatcha say?" he said with a grin.