[b]Tolbana city gate - Floor 1[/b] Karin raised an elegant brow at the other male’s teasing brought on by her arrival but chose not to comment on it. “Hello Namora. Seems you got yourself in some trouble." Rigsaw stated in a teasing manner. Before the girl could get a word in edgewise, Rig’s friend, Saul, began to rant as his face clouded with anger. She hated player killers as well but she didn’t see what good it would do to rant about it. Quietly, she watched their interaction with detached interest as Rig managed to calm his friend down, which didn’t seem to require much effort. People were strange. Then again, who was she to talk? Keeping an eye on her steadily increasing health bar, she considered whether or not if she'd need another potion. "So lets get going. Hey, Namora, you wanna come along? Never hurts to have help." Apparently done with their friendly bickering, he offered her a party invite. Raising her pale blue eyes to study the two for a few moments, she shrugged and pressed accept. She had enough healing items and antidotes to keep herself out of trouble and a few emergency items as well if it came to that. “Sure.” She nodded her agreement as she thought about it. Karin hadn’t yet had a chance to go too far into the Labyrinth. It was a good place to get drops and farm higher tier materials though it was riskier than regular areas. Sticking with a group could come in handy, as she’d already learned. “Lead on, O’ brave and fearless leader.” A slight smirk had settled onto her lips at the last part.