Legion gave a slight laugh."Bomb? My, my, seems like someone has yet to hear about me. No I'm no villain though my lineage may suggest other wise," he said landing back on the roof where he had been earlier. He only returned when he had noticed someone coming from the party to where he had been earlier and had remained within the shadows at that moment. He couldn't be sure how this person would react to what he was. Would she fight, flight, or just talk? It was a careful line he walked with skill, he had learned that despite being kind, people feared what they thought was grotesque or different. It didn't matter what you did, humans seemed to judge appearance before actions. "I'm merely watching the party that I wasn't invited to," he said, two glowing yellow eyes hidden in the shadows ",There might be heroes all inside but who guards outside? That is what I do, while they get to enjoy themselves I remain vigilant here and bicker with myself as I wait and watch." He slightly laugh. Part of the problem with Legion was that despite the symbiote was one being, it had the personality of several from its creation so at times it bickered with itself, arguing aloud with even Zac joining in on the argument. It hadn't formed as properly as the ones that had created it had hoped yet also had at the same time been what they were looking for. "Tell me though, why aren't you at the party? That's where you came from after all, shouldn't you be enjoying it?" he said a slight frown forming on his symbiote face ",Rather worrying about another hero who is viewed as a monster to the rest of society?" Legion still remained in the shadows waiting for a response, taking in her appearance and noticing the symbol on her jacket, an 'X'. He thought a moment on why that was familiar then it popped into his head, the X-Men, that was where he had seen it before, in the old news reports showing their exploits that painted them in different views to the world before they were viewed as heroes, despite them seemingly not being in action for some time, or at least nothing reported on the news about them these days it seemed. Interesting to see a mutant here but this museum was for all types of heroes so he guessed he really shouldn't be all that surprised to find one representing them.