Kiyomi's anger had subsided a bit by the time she reached the teleportation pad in the city. Having been followed all this way made her happy that someone was at least kind enough to approach her. When he did, she said nothing, just stopped walking. She listened to him speak, quietly. Who was this guy? He'd followed her this far just to say that? She giggled softly. "Haha, im sorry. I just think its funny, you must think i regret what i did. No, no. You are very mistaken. I feel no pity for him...but of his family." she said, looking at her feet. "You've wasted your time following me. Go home." "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." he said, not stammering like a moron this time. "Dont worry about me, worry about yourself. Thats what nearly every player in this damn world thinks about anyway." "Look, i'm only trying to help you. You seemed really upset and-" She cut him off. "You want to help? Me? Ha! I can help myself just about as much as you could. But if you wish to [i]help[/i] so bad, here." she went to her menu and tranferred an item to him. It was a note given to her by someone named Diabel. "There will be a meeting tomorrow to discuss how to beat the first boss. Do this world a favor. Dont chase after the ones like me who are damned now. Help out the 8,000 players who..." tears welled up in her eyes then and she stepped onto the pad , pulling out her teleport crystal. "Help the ones who...still have their souls." she gestured to the orange cursor above her head before facing away from him. "Teleport! Dire Mountain!" --- Kiyomi wiped her eyes on her sleeve. She wanted to break down in a fit of tears...and maybe a month ago, she would have. This time, she sucked it up, and headed to fight some mobs in the mountains. It was dark and had a smell of death and howls were heard constantly, propelling off the cliffs and eachother. In the distance, she heard the sound of fighting. Deciding to stay away from the sound, she made her way farther in. Hearing the flutter of wings, she stopped and drew her Saigo Rapier. Turning the corner, she found multiple Mutated Bats fluttering around. Singling out one, she ran up to it, taking it by surprise. "Haaaaah!" She yelled as she jumped and activated her Shooting Star skill. It propelled her forward and the sword went right through the bat, killing it. She did a flip and landed gracefully on her feet. Looking at her Rapier, she smiled. "Well, well. How did you [i]not[/i] beat me with this, Shougo?" she said, admiring the power of the sword. Just then the award screen popped up. [*]2 Bat Wings[/*] [*]3,000 col[/*] Kiyomi clicked the bat wing to see what it did. It was used to flee from any battle. That could come in handy. She was satisfied with her earnings, but was upset she didn't even break a sweat. As if on que with her thoughts, a howl was heard, followed by four more and every bat flew away at once. A few rammed into her mid-flight, and her HP depleted by 400 by the time she was done getting pummeled. She opened her eyes after a moment and found an...unsettling sight. She was surrounded by five dire wolves, all snarling at her. She gripped her sword tighter and smiled weakly. "Okay...i asked for this. Get ready, 'cuz im not going to lose!" she said, running at one of the wolves, Rapier raised. It ran at her, along with the other four. As her target approached, she did a forward flip and jumped over it, spinning as she landed in a crouch, her sword connected with the beasts hind legs and sliced them off. Before she could finish him off, his pal jumped on her from the side, sinking its jaws into her right arm. Her health dropped by 900 at the ferocious attack, but she ignored it, activating her skill and ramming her rapier into its head. The wolf dissapeared and she moved onto the next one. Jumping to avoid two that came her way. They ended up smashing heads, but a third one hit her midair and made her slam into a wall. Kiyomi slumped down for a moment before weakly getting to her knees. Her HP depleted by another 900 and went into the last stage of green. The three wolves seemed to be protecting the fourth one who's legs she cut prior. Biting her bottom lip she figured she'd continue with the offense. "Hyaaaa!" she said, activating her Shooting Star skill and bursting through their defensive line and at the wounded Dire Wolf. It pierced the beast in its mid section and the health depleted completely then. The other three were on her then and she quickly ran off, opening her menu and taking out the bat wing. She threw it towards them, but only one jumped up and caught it in its mouth before turning around and walking off. "Oh shit." she hissed and attempted to get the other one, but was bitten on her left arm, and flung like a ragdoll to the other wolf who rammed her into the ground. Her health depleted by 1,800 and went into yellow. Gasping in fear, Kiyomi screamed and protected herself as they ran at her again.