"Idiot" Hibari commented as he angrily attacked the girl from the side. Direct contact. A roundhouse kick to the side which could possibly break the ribs of an ordinary person. Though Hibari had a suspicion that it wouldn't phase her much. Still it was enough to send her flying into the side of a nearby building. It was all to get her away from Kaji who was stupidly staring at his bat. Albeit Hibari had to admit it was good to see the red flames. Perhaps he could use Kaji. "Where did you get the ring? Do you have any purple ones? Did you happen to steal any red and purple box looking items as well?" He asked quickly thinking Kaji would have already snapped out of his moment of idiocy. These questions were all important. If Koichi could get his hands on some boxes he could strip the girl of her slight advantage. Of course, he'd never actively say or admit these things. He was a Hibari after all. "We don't have time. Answer now." Hibari ordered as he watched out for the girl. (I got Jake's permission to make that attack.)