Mira remained stone faced when the man revealed himself. It wasn't hard to do, in fact she had seen worse faces and he didn't seem to be hostile. After she checked her watch to see the time, she put her hands in her pockets. She kept her hands in her pockets -for his safety. She had picked out a power that shot large light beams at enemies, and the downside was that unlike the person who owned the power, she couldn't stop hands from glowing slightly when she picked it out for use. It was newer power that she had very little control over as well, so she merely tried to lay it off as her acting calm and collected. "To be frank, it is quite boring. No one's showing off anything I care to see, and I know everything that the museum has to offer outside of boring documentaries." Mira turned back to the party, "and besides, it seems that I was the only one who thought to act on seeing you. It is often better to be safe than sorry when dealing with unknowns." Mira placed her foot on the edge of the building. "If you were expecting screaming or some kind of shock from that illusionary suit, then you'd better try that trick on someone else." Mira had never heard of Symbiotes, so her explanation for the living suit was illusion art powers or magic. Neither of which she was even remotely interested in obtaining. She watched the crowd from above, noting how much people looked like sheep when in large groups. Perhaps that was why she had to work hard to protect them. "Anyway," she turned back to Legion. "Thank you for your aid. Maybe I will attempt to sneak out something from the buffet for you. Just don't make me regret not letting the room full of superheroes know that someone was plotting something on the roof." With that she jumped down, switching her power quickly to super durability to land on the ground below without a scratch. It was more of a power play than anything else, as she had no interest in continuing to talk with what appeared to be crazy. She had no time nor patience to be called a monster from someone who dressed up like it was halloween. She adjusted her tie back and started to walk back into the building. [i]Hmm, might have to research that suit later. If it is an illusion, then it is eerily similar to Spider-Man's. I have no doubt the two are connected somehow.[/i] she made her mental note and wafted over to the buffet picking out large amounts of food to heap onto her small plate. Flying often burned up her energy, and she didn't eat as much as she usually did at dinner to leave room for the food here, so she picked a corner to stand in and start eating.