Capitalism, Socialism, and Communism are all forms of Economy, not Government/Politics. Of course, governments have forms of Economy, but Economy is not a Politic. But for the sake of arguing semantics: ... I like the idea of a Resource-Based Economy a la The Venus Project. If I had to go with one of the above, it'd be something between Socialism and Communism. As for Politics, I'm more Democratic (in the sense that I believe the people should be ruled by the people rather than individuals or parties representing or disregarding groups of people (a Republic)). What that represents in America's society is of little concern to me. The basic idea of Democracy is what I lean toward regardless of the fact that it's difficult to upkeep with such a large population. (Currently we're in a weird state that incorporates both Democracy and a Republic, and performs neither very efficiently or accurately. I could go further and say we're closer to an Oligarchy (being corporations) than anything else.)