[Lancer, Buried Throne Room, Fuka Academy, Japan, Nighttime] Excellent. Excellent. And with Shizuru making her part of the bow, Lancer placed two fingers on the back of her right hand. When he had been summoned into this world, he had been granted three command seals, the mark of a master and absolute authority over a servant, to give to the human he would eventually find as a master. Having found such a master, Shizuru's right hand glowed for a moment - Lancer didn't know that the inscribing of command seals would be momentarily painful, but three command seals appeared on Shizuru's hand. And with that, Lancer went on his knees and bowed although the smile on his face would show that he was anything but submissive. "I so swear. Thy offering shalt by my flesh and blood, my new master"