To Master Alexi's initial comment about Joseph having been with Mois, the vampire merely nodded deeply in assent, the nod nearly turning into a bow. There was no reason to refute or affirm the statement, as they both knew it to be true. Nor was there a reason to make excuses. Joseph was not the type to make excuses for his behavior; he had never had to do so. Even if he were, there was nothing inherently wrong with answering a summons from the elder brother. As requested, he took a seat across from his Master, awaiting his questions. But when those questions came, Joseph mentally tensed up, though outwardly he still retained his respectfully relaxed position. Master Alexi requested his honesty, and the truth was, he was terrified thatif he was honest on this particular issue, his master would never trust him again. But even though the tone had been that of a request, it had in fact been phrased as an order. Joseph was still soft-broken, and that still meant that he had to follow any direct order given to him, it was just that he was merely able to have his own thoughts about them now. On occasion, he could even find a few loopholes to the orders, though he rarely tried. Now though, he wondered if his breaking would force “complete” honesty on him, or if he could still conceal his more dangerous thoughts. But he had to say something, even now, the spell would not allow for much more hesitation. He could already feel the all-too-familiar migraine beginning to form in his head, and the compulsion to obey beginning to tickle at his body, though it only took about twenty seconds for him to begin his response. “I am concerned for your safety, Master Alexi. I want to protect this household and to protect you. The more I understand of your plans, the easier that becomes. Any opinions I may accidentally possess on your plans are irrelevant, as I am, after all, merely property. I exist only to serve you, and I wish to do that to the best of my ability,” the head slave replied calmly, his tone sincere. There, the compulsion and headache were both gone, and though everything he had said had been absolutely truthful, he had managed to avoid revealing his almost rebellious misgivings. Sure, he had always been free to express himself around Masters Alexi and Mois, but thankfully, his true opinions had never been so important to the conversation. He could only secretly hope that Master Alexi would not press further into them now, for he feared reprisal if he expressed them. At the very least, his master would surely never trust him again.