[b]Haywood Militia - Farm - Farmers/Lauren/Bull/Katie[/b] Johnson stared directly at the house from afar. His rifle had a scope and everything, making him the right man to be in that position. Everything spiraled out of control when the farmer inside the home yelled out. He abruptly threatened the armed men, making both Wilson and Johnson uncomfortable. Out of control, Wilson pressed the trigger of his MP5K. Rounds of bullets sprayed over the farmhouse door, bullets penetrating the inner walls. As he was firing, Wilson stopped backtracking and started forward, attempting to infiltrate the facility. As Wilson fired, Johnson remained still, until he saw something with his peripherals. He saw a shadow on the side of the house from the very edge of his right eye and turned towards it. He looked through his scope to see what it was, finding out there was another person that who not Haywood on the side of the house. "Dammit" he cursed as he cocked his rifle and aimed. Without further notice, he fired his weapon, aiming for the woman. Unfortunately he missed because right when he fired, it seemed the woman luckily jumped out the way. With a grunt, Johnson reloaded quickly, aiming yet again. Wilson became startled by Johnson firing his weapon and stopped shooting to see what was happening. The idiot completely turned to Johnson and urged him to follow, standing defenseless right in front of the door. "C'mon Johnson!" he yelled at the man, Johnson turning away from his scope and looking up at Wilson. From afar he couldn't tell what Wilson was trying to tell him. Johnson's eyes widened as suddenly Wilson's body went flying off the porch. His gun started going off uncontrollably as he fell to the dirt below him. Wilson grabbed the side of his neck in attempt to stop the bleeding. His entire body was fighting death, but couldn't prevent it as suddenly he came to a halt. His eyes wide open as his mouth full of drooling blood. Johnson couldn't believe his eyes, the entire operation went to hell. Instead of returning to the woman, Johnson took his sight and pointed it at the door as he began to shoot. On the other side of the house, Anthony and Elliot heard the shots and took precaution. The men laid against the home's walls and started towards the back door. Anthony motioned Elliot to go and open it, but as he started for it Elliot heard voices and stopped. The voices weren't coming from inside the house though, they came from the side of it. Elliot turned to Anthony who ordered the man to go see what it was. Elliot slowly traced around the back of the farmhouse from one side to the other. He poked out his head off the side to find a woman pushed against the wall. Before pursuing, he turned to Anthony and then jumped out. Anthony tried to call him to stop, but it was pointless, Elliot had already moved out. "Hands up lady!" Elliot called out. "I don't wanna hurt you" he added, pointing his automatic weapon at her. "Maddam, if you move I'll have to shoot, so please, don't" Elliot begged Lauren. He obviously, from the start, didn't want to have to kill anybody, but if his life was on the line, which it was, he would have no choice but to do so. All this was happening while Anthony started to pull the knob on the back door. He started smashing it wish the grip of his handgun and pushing the door with his shoulder. He grunted loudly as he tried to get in, but was unsuccessful. He turned away from the door to find something he could use, but his eyes met something other than a useful tool. "No..." he said as about ten walkers headed their way. "Elliot! We gotta get out of here!" Anthony called out. As the man's voice rang in Elliot's ear, the Haywood soldier turned his attention away from Lauren for just one second. One second that could change the entire situation between the two. ------------------------------------ [b]Floyd - House - Jess[/b] "Let go of me girl!" Floyd yelled, taking a hold of her wrist and jostling it away forcefully. Then he stepped backwards to put some distance between himself and Jess. Accidentally, his back ran into the door frame behind him, preventing him from leaving. "Damn" he cursed, turning back to Jess who continued to beg him to stay. He didn't understand why she suddenly felt this urge to say these things. For three weeks he's been taking care of her, nurturing her and her child. Even before that he risked his own life to save her, fighting every odd that appeared. But even through those damn efforts Jess felt he was going to just disappear one of those days, just like Bruce had that day. Floyd then stared directly into her eyes, his own eyes red with rage. "That's what ya think of me?" he asked, not waiting for a response. His veins appearing all over his arms and neck as he started to feel that irritated anger like before. "Ya think after all this time, after EVERYTHING I've done for you, ima just leave?! Ya think im just like him huh? Ya think im like Bruce!" he continued. Every word he spoke just added to that infuriating tone he adapted. He waked to a counter in that room, taking the glass vase and throwing it towards the wall, the glass shattering everywhere. He then took the counter and threw it down too. "Ya ain't got no damn clue what I feel girl! Ya don't know nuthin!" he yelled in her face. He then stood there, a silence filling the air as he just walked side to side looking at her. "Ya think im like him huh? Then let me act like him!" he said, taking her by the arm. His grip had no limits to how hard he grabbed her. "Let me show ya" he said, pulling her out of the room and along the hallway towards [i]that[/i] room. He kicked the door open, breaking it from one of its hinges and shoving Jess inside. Inside the room was a crib, on top of it a baby mobile hanging from the ceiling. The walls had a wallpaper with small yellow ducks all around it. A rocking chair sat beside the crib along with changing table behind it. What made this entire room off limits was what covered everything...................blood. The walls were covered in red, the yellow ducks barely visible. The rocking chair was still rocking as though a ghost sat there in grief and sorrow. The wooden changing station was basically broken, the wood completely shattered and in pieces. The thing that made the entire room ever more horrific was the crib. The originally white crib was now stained completely red. Blood spilled from the sides, not anymore, but it had. There was a dried up pond of blood right beneath it, showing that spillage. The sheets were covered in that gore. To a future-mother like Jess this was the most gruesome view one could ever witness. Floyd then pulled Jess out of it and closed the door the best he could. He stared at her for a second as she took it all in. "If I wanted to leave I would have already" he said, stomping his was downstairs and into the kitchen. He hadn't wanted to show her that, he was indeed trying to protect her. But when she attacked him like that, something seemed to click that made Floyd just burst into wrath. He couldn't believe she had said all those things, thinking that everything they went through meant basically nothing. The girl was just so naive.