Kitsuna watched him with bright blue eyes as he tipped her off his back and onto the ground at his paws. She saw a look cross in his face, he was inherently a alpha and it was in his nature to not allow the balance of power to shift away from him, couple that with the fact that a power hungry demon lived inside him and it was no surprise really that he hated even the hint of being dominated. However Kitsuna was not Ivy and it was not in her nature to be an omega and having been an only pup she had never had a normal pack structure, in fact she had been compared to most she had been coddled by her parents. So she was used to getting her own way and it was not going to change now. Laughing at him from the ground she quickly gathered her paws beneath her and without any powers she sprung at Ren. Knocking him over they fell head over tails down a gently slope. Squeals of delight coming from Kitsuna they continued to roll, their coats the perfect yin-yang of their opposite. Finally they came to a breathless halt; Kitsuna had ended up lying on her back on the ground, neck craned to gaze up at Ren above her, a warm smile on her face. Gently reaching up a paw she touched his cheek, eye gleaming in the darkness like stars. “You don’t have to be so serious all the time you know.” She crooned sweetly at him.