Her shot did find its mark, but it didn't seem to do much to deter the monster. It did seem mildly irritated by the wound instead of just shrugging it off. It was interesting to say the least, for while it seemed undeterred, it did show some discomfort about it. Perhaps if she shot at all of the hotspots, she'd find somewhere where it irritated it the most, and buy some time for the team there as well. [i]"What do you think that is Junko? Its blood?" [/i] "I think so." Junko took off her eye from the scope, giving a glance over to the heli as it flew towards the beast, wondering about what that man just said. She didn't get it at all. "Whatever it is, I'd stay far away from it." She lined up on another hotspot on the thing, just as she heard a loud metallic clang as something metallic smashed against concrete. "..wha..." A huge woman stood just before them, a behemoth of a human, just under the size of a fully grown bear. "....scheisse..." A chainsaw sword, or a chainsword, or the one way ticket to fucksville as some people she knew dubbed it. And with the confidence with which that woman held it.... It was times like these that Junko wished she carried more than this tooth pick and standard pistol as a backup. But she had been through worse with less, plus, she had that girl, Jenive, to back her up. As the chainsword roared to life, she put down Vladimir, and took out her combat knife and the pistol. "Jenive." She gave a gesture with her left hand, a signal to flank and attack when opportunity presents itself. If Junko didn't get cut down in the first few minutes of this fight that was. Junko fired off a round at the smooth woman's chest, more as an attempt to focus the woman's attention on her than anything else. She held the knife in a reverse grip, her right holding the pistol, ready for dodging and counterattacking should she find an opening to exploit. [i]Counterbalance the knife, quick slash, and retract...[/i]