[quote=TheUnknowable] Now that I thought about it, I wouldn't call them Libertarians. The Sith are essentially an Oligarchy. The Republic is technically a Democracy, with a few Republic influences, kind of like the US. The closest thing to Libertarians in the SW universe is the Mandolorians, though they don't follow the NAP except where it concerns the government, they have an extremely limited government with few rules. [/quote] I agree with him, a sith that would allow him or herself to fall for carnal temptations instead of controlling such emotions would be a shameful one. A sith must strive for achieving power by being in control of his own feelings, not letting those take control, and things such as sex imply pleasure, pleasure leads to contempt, contempt to appreciation and appreciation to love, which is a weakness but this is a pg-13 rp, so no sex at all