The bag hits the ground with a colossal thud. "This look like enough shit to fix the ship? I got everything on the list. It sure was a good thing I was able to find everything. Almost too easy, honestly. Like, its kinda weird that I was able to find all of these incredibly specific things all in the same spot. It wouldn't be weird to find one or two, but all of them? Its a bit odd, if you ask me. But who cares I guess! This means you can start fixing the-" Maxwell cuts off his sentence earlier, staring at LeeRoy intently. "Did you get buffer while I was gone? You look buffer." Maxwell taps his chin. "Hmmmm. There's something suspicious going on here. Did you wait until I was gone to do something weird?" He drags the bag over to the front of the ship. "I don't give a shit either way, its cool, you're a grown ass man." He begins to shuffle through the bag, taking out all the steel and crap and setting it in a gigantic pile in front of LeeRoy. "Alright friendo, lets get to work on this ship so we can get off this piece of shit planet. I'm bored to high hell and its time to get to brass tacks and beat someone up." Finishing the emptying of the giant rucksack, he steps back, the ginormous pile standing above even himself. "Well. I don't really know what to do here. I guess I'll just take directions from you on how to repair things." With all that said, Maxwell walks over to the table where his precious gauntlets are, complete with new train whistles. He smiles broadly, picking them up, and slipping them back onto his massive ham hands. He grins, and gives a few new test punches to see how they work, his fists making slicing noises as they whip through the air at 500 miles an hour. The air pressure from his hands alone is enough to more than ruffle LeeRoy's hair. As he punches, bubbles flood out of the whistles and into the air above him, creating a veritable cloud of the soapy substance above him. Not just regular bubbles either. These are golden bubbles, dense and heavy looking, warping more violently than any normal bubble ever could without popping. "What the hell? Bubbles?" Maxwell looks at them in confusion, though he laughs when he notices how dense they are. "You've got to be kidding me! The Flame even covers bubbles huh? Well, I wonder what happens when I pop them them?" Taking his sword out from its slot in his shield, Maxwell gives one good swing, the sword slicing through the air and the cloud of super dense bubbles like a chainsaw through tissue paper. The bubbles pop, making no sound. "Oh. Well that's a little underwhel-" Maxwell is cut off by a sharp sucking noise as the spot where the bubbles were appears to pull in the area surrounding it ever so slightly. Then, with no warning, a colossal burst of sound screams out from the air, a horrifically loud train whistle. The pressure from the burst of air knocks the table over and knocks the sand out from the area directly under the bubble cloud. A shockwave of pressure accompanies it, blowing Maxwell's hair back and knocking off LeeRoy's glasses. Even Maxwell has to yell over the sound "HOLY SHIIIIIIT" Then, in a span of seconds, it's over. "Well FUCK. That shit was like a sound bomb! Those are some insane bubbles!"