Conservative, which, if you're in the states, probably doesn't mean what you think it means. I'm not quite 'libertarian' because I do actually want some government structures over my head, but the government should be drastically cut down from its current form. Ultimately that means I vote Republican, which is a poor fit, but it fights the statists on the left, so I stick with it. Economically I'm all supply-side and capitalist, so again, must vote against the democrats and their filthy union cronies, or the whole country's gonna look like Detroit. Socially, I resent the word 'progressive,' because most people who label themselves that turn out to be jerks, but ... I'd call myself 'enlightened.' Marriage equality and racial equality and women's rights and blah blah blah, I'm down with all that. Put simply, 'In every case, freedom.' Internationally I sorta look like a hawk.... if I advocate a bigger stronger and more aggressive military posture, it's only because doing so prevents war. Hegemony is good for the globe, and they can call us imperialists or whatever, but I don't feel like one. Nations should look out for themselves, benevolently if possible, but Numero Uno is Numero Uno.