[b]The Bull - Farm - Katie[/b] Bull crouched low, holding Katie close to him. His while body was shaking and he could barely contain himself. His adrenaline was soaring, but not because he felt his own life was in danger. It was because of Lauren, who was still stuck back at that damned farmhouse. He could barely see her through the brush, but when shots started firing, Bull felt like his heart stopped. Katie managed to wiggle out of his grasp in his shocked state and she made a beeline for Lauren. The big man had no choice but to chase after her. He broke out of the foliage just in time to see the man behind Lauren take aim and fire. "Lauren!" Bull shouted, his voice strained with fear. This couldn't be happening, not now. As Katie was about to reach Lauren, the older woman cried out in pain and tripped over herself, slamming into Katie. The pair fell into a heap and all Bull could do was yell out Lauren's name repeatedly. When he reached the fallen pair, his body wracked with heaving breaths. His entire body shook even more violently than before as he attempted to help Lauren up. His gaze was drawn to her leg, now sickeningly bloody. "Lauren. Lauren..." Bull pulled Lauren closer to him, but he took a sharp intake of breath when he saw the wound on her head. She'd hit the ground hard, knocking her unconscious. He felt for her pulse and found her heart still beating, but he still felt tears sting at his eyes. Sobs overtook him as he held Lauren closer to him. "God, no... Lauren, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry."