[quote=Kurai] Okay, guys, please don't overload the thread with political arguments. I'm not trying to stifle you or anything but politics is a topic that can get really heated really quick (especially namedropping people like the Nazis) so please just refrain. If you'd like to have these arguments take them out of this thread.Dawnon and Blue Sylph I will be looking over your characters shortly, sorry for the wait. Today has been very hectic. [/quote] Ok, maybe I'll start a non-rp thread about the politic of Star Wars or something if I want to discuss it further. [quote=Amalvi] I agree with him, a sith that would allow him or herself to fall for carnal temptations instead of controlling such emotions would be a shameful one. A sith must strive for achieving power by being in control of his own feelings, not letting those take control, and things such as sex imply pleasure, pleasure leads to contempt, contempt to appreciation and appreciation to love, which is a weaknessbut this is a pg-13 rp, so no sex at all [/quote] Kind of the opposite of what master Yoda says in Episode one (Love leads to fear) Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering. Interesting look at SIth Philosophy. I'd be interested in how you view the code of the Sith and and the code of the Jedi (personally, prefer the ancient Jedi code to the more modern one in KOTOR.)