[quote=Gat] Ahh, good times.... [/quote] I don't know if I should laugh or smack you, Gat. xD [quote=Maxim] When you put it like that, I guess it does make a fair bit more sense that way.Although, if we really are that weak at the beginning, shouldn't we start with "Slay x Sewer Rats" instead of "Solve murder mystery for highly suspicious country."? :P [/quote] Funny, that's what part of the reboot is going to be changing. xD We're starting in a more local scene with the reboot. From there, we'll likely build and expand. *shrugs* Yes, you aren't the biggest badass around yet. You never were meant to be. Unique skills will still be implemented. I'm unsure if it will stay at one slot to begin or will be expanded upon. Regardless, this organization (The Queen's Blades) is brand new. You're going to be sent off to do things that make sense for you to be going up against. You aren't being sent off against the big baddies immediately. And you aren't being sent off to deal with a couple rowdy farmers. *shrugs* But you aren't necessarily that weak. Really, you're gonna be stronger than your average joe, though. Neither are you alone. You have allies. You can work together, which is something we actually promote. You're all part of a group. Working together kind of totally makes sense. So that you can cover each others' weaknesses. And play to your strengths.