*sticks out tongue at Sunja* heheh sorry it took awhile, but here they are! ^_^ [hider=Maximiliano Bautista] [img]http://artysavvyscribe.files.wordpress.com/2014/04/gus-fring.jpg[/img] Name: Maximiliano Bautista Age: 32 Nationality: His homeland, Personality + History (sorry I mixed them up lmao): Maximiliano is a hard, diligent worker who comes off very polite and caring. He's generally quiet, but will be pleased to engage in conversation in spoken to. Since he has a slight accent, he ends up having to talk about his home country, which he doesn't mind throwing in every now and then – but avoids any further talk about where [i]exactly[/i] his home country is and what he did while he was there. He came to the United States only five years ago, but surprisingly has come very far ahead in his career and in his life in the States. At times, he can be very orderly and ends up nitpicking people from time to time, but he has good intentions...most of the time. [/hider] [hider=Jeffrey Dodgers] [img]http://imgur.com/6OVrzXh.jpg[/img] Jeffrey Dodgers Age: 27 Nationality: “12 percent Cherokee I think." *bitter voice*” (mostly white) Personality + History: Jeff was one of those kids you knew in high school that were really silent, but once they opened their mouth you were glad they never talked to you and, quite frankly, didn't feel bad for them at all. Jefferey prides himself on having his own apartment whenever somebody likes to ask him if he still lives with his mom (one of his least favorite tasteless insults), but he won't tell anyone he started living in it a year ago. He's quite new to the job and has recently became a permanent worker there, which is surprising considering how much he tends to piss people off. He likes working at Medella mostly because it's pretty stable, for now, and he can finally buy whatever he wants without his parents judging him. [/hider] [hider=Steven Donovan] [img]http://www.celebitchy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/wenn3403723.jpg[/img] Steven Donovan Age: 43 Personality + History: Steven is among one of the veteran employees of the company, working at Medella for a ripe ten years. He's mostly a lax kind of guy, friendly, but is no longer as hard working as he used to be. Working at Medella has become his way of life, and endless cycle that won't seem to end...so he tries to find new ways to have fun at his job. He doesn't like to admit that he has a midlife crisis, but...he's definitely having one. Steven is separated from his wife and has three kids: two girls of 9 and 14, and one boy of 17. Due to the fact his children are growing into their teens, and younger employees are getting hired into the company, he's been trying to look more “hip”, but he doesn't pull it off well. He also tries to make friends with the younger employees in hopes of figuring out how to be cool. [/hider]