[quote=TheUnknowable] Ok, maybe I'll start a non-rp thread about the politic of Star Wars or something if I want to discuss it further.Kind of the opposite of what master Yoda says in Episode one (Love leads to fear) Fear leads to anger, Anger leads to hate, Hate leads to suffering.[/quote] When it comes to the Force I always harken back to Obi Wan and Yoda in the original trilogy. The prequels and the original series conflict. I mean, throughout the original trilogy Yoda and Obi Wan are constantly telling Luke to stretch out with his feelings. Even Vader told him to do so. Then, in the prequels Yoda says not to feel when the key to using the force is to stretch out with one's feelings? Bah. A pox on the prequels and upon midiclorians too!