Alex took it as if he was being handed an infant. He wouldn't think of it as nothing. Alex just out the coat on anyways. Hypothermia is for suckers!!! Alex constantly felt the need to dig something into his hand be t his nails or the blades in his glove because of thoughts like that. "... Things here aren't quite the same as where I come from...." He says. Feeling th coat on him once more he felt vulnerable. "...I did something similar last time I checked." Helping the weak was something he felt condemned to do. Back where he came from he did so. But not in the most popular of ways. As he felt the water drip down his body from the coat he sorta made said event more then it was in his mind. His shadow had been gone far too log and t has now returned "Where are we off to now?" Alex somewhat feared the obviousy very possible answer of the butcher.