[b] Henry and Audrey - Haggerton Farm - Katie, Bull, and Lauren[/b] Audrey shrieked as Anthony put the round in Johnson's head, ending the man's life. "Son of a-" Henry cut his sentence short as he vaulted over the fence, taking a shot at Anthony's truck as he drove away. He ran to assist the three people, one of which was a little, another a man larger than even Daniel or Robert, and the third a wounded and unconscious. "Folks! We gotta get out a' here! Walkers will be swarmin' the place!" The large man produced a firearm which he pointed at Henry. "Back of, pal!" He roared viciously. This was one man that Henry swore never to get into a fight against. Henry threw his hands up in surrender, removing his hand from the trigger. Meanwhile, the girl sobbed. "Go away, you bad man!" "I'm a friendly." He promised, then turning to the little girl. "You're lady friend seems like a mighty nice woman, sweetheart. You see that woman over there?" He indicated an elbow to the forthcoming Audrey, who's cheeks still streamed with tears. "Her name is Audrey, and she's real sweet, too. Is it okay if she helps you?" The girl nodded, and Henry turned his focus to the man. "I got a car back in the woods. We can get you to safety and to a mighty fine doctor, but we need to hurry!" As Audrey's eyes fell on Johnson's corpse, she continued to cry. Henry gave a quick embrace, before softly delivering a few things to the girl. She nodded, sobbing and choking back tears as she lowered herself and spoke to the little girl. "H-hi, I'm Audrey." The girl responded by giving her name. "That's-" She jerked slightly as her chest heaved another forceful sob. "That's a pretty name, Katie. If you can hold my hand, we can go to be safe." Katie followed Audrey's directions with surprising obedience. "Alright, buddy, I need you to cover us; I can't do that well with my rifle, but you've got a better gun." The man seemed defiant, but then reluctantly relinquished the woman. Henry nodded, thankfully. He picked the woman up with small effort; she was light in his arms. The group hurried over the fence and through the woods, to a beaten up Murano SUV. Audrey and Katie got in the back, where Henry gently laid the woman. He then climbed in to the front and sat beside the large man. As they drove down the rode, Henry looked at the man. "I'm Henry, and that's Audrey." The older man gave a backwards nod to his companion. "Most people call me 'Bull'. That's Lauren..." Bull responded. "Bull... I promise you, we're gonna help you. We've got a doctor; he's a good man, too." Henry explained as they drove towards Haywood. He'd the look on Anthony's face; he'd seen him meet his eyes... Anthony was lying about Daniel's orders, he knew as much. Anthony had murdered Johnson, and he had to get their before the murderer.