[b]Characters:[/b] [hider=Humans] [/hider] [hider=Tieflings] User: Nate Name: Matea (Muh-Tey-uh), Tea (Tey-uh) for short Family Name: Winter-Beard Age: 19 Race: Tiefling Affinity: Fire Clan: Central Family Appearance: http://i.imgur.com/fUhXiST.png only her hair covers her entire head and her ears aren’t goat like, they are more elf like. Personality: Tea is kind and compassionate and generally tries to help others. She rarely gets sad or angry and when she does she tends to avoid others so they don’t see her angry or hurt. She has a strong personality which partially explains her ability to control fire. She is warm to others but adventurous and bold in her actions thinking herself to be strong enough to take on anyone. Despite her tough girl act she is usually gentle and more feminine around those she trusts. History: Matea is the only offspring of the Central Family. Her mother died when she was born and as such she was never able to have any siblings. This has caused her father, the current chieftain, much distress over who will become his successor as it is now uncertain. Competition between families have already started and are slowly filtering out the candidates. Matea, however, doesn’t want to be given to the winner of the clan, she wants to be able to find someone of her choosing but she keeps it a secret, as it goes against her people’s customs to do so. Other: [/hider]