[ Shizuru. ...Fuka Gakuen. .Japan. .Nighttime. .] "The Director is not going to be happy but I will explain. ." Shizuru noted to the damaged office. "Yes. Natsuki is my precious one." She replied to Lancer as she then noticed they had arrived outside. [Natsuki. ...Fuka Gakuen. ..Japan. ...Nighttime. ] Hearing some voices outside Natsuki quickly ran to the source. Being cautious she had her guns materialized just in case those voices belonged to hostiles. Reaching the location she saw..."Shizuru! " Breathing a sigh of relief she hugged her not aware of Vlad. [MIYU. ...city...Japan...Nighttime. ] She sensed a abnormal energy and disturbance in the direction of Fuka Gakuen. "Analyzing energy components. ..origin unknown. .I must investigate.." With that she headed back to the school.