Crispin grinned toothily as Terence was filled with newfound hope. The pyro fairy's smiles always glistened with the innocence of a child, probably the same as the one who brought him into this world. He hovered behind Terence and smacked him on the back in a 'way to go!' manner, rougher than was necessary. "Of couuurse we're gonna help you! What kind of fairies would we be to turn that down?" He looked to Ingrid next and winked playfully - not so much a flirty gesture as was one that was reassuring. He could sense her lack of confidence from a distance away, and Crispin was the type of fairy that always pestered downers until they smiled. Even if he inadvertently worsens their mood. Terence fumbled with suspecting his own colleagues of this blatant thievery, before coming up with an alternative to a direct investigation: another fairy named Iona. Crispin grinned widely at her name. The two have never met face-to-face, but being all over the place was one of Crispin's traits, and he'd seen her fly about and do her thing multiple times. He was always captivated by the sheer skill of storm fairies, and Iona's expertise had intrigued him even further. She had control over a dangerous skill that Crispin unfortunately lacked at times. With Terence's suggestion, Crispin would finally get to meet this fairy! Two twigs, one pebble! Soon enough the trio took off into a neighboring forest. Terence waved back at the two, close to disappearing from sight ahead. The pyro fairy licked his lips. "Is that a challenge? You're game, Terence!" While still flying forward, he reeled back his torso and arms to the side, as if ready to take off sprinting. Then he burst forward, eventually flying passed the acorn-head. Crispin looked at him over his shoulder, bringing his thumb to his nose and sticking out his tongue. "Last one there is a rotten--ooph!" He collided right into a thick trunk. On cue his wings comically crumpled and withered, before shooting up again with life as Crispin pried himself off the wall. "I'm good! I'm good!" He continued moving on, though buzzing a bit more erratically.