Leo was in his friend's party.Everyone is dancing and the party lights are going crazy but Leo was there eating a lot of food and drinks a lot of beer.He was already drunk and pushing himself to drink more.All of a sudden everything turns round.He was getting dizzy.He tries to get up but his walking were pretty drunk-like and he bumps a lot of people then he heard a voice. "Leo......"a mysterious voice called,it was familiar because he heard this on his dreams As he heard that everything turned black.It was darkness everywhere then after minutes in the darkness everything went back and his friends was trying wake him up. "Leo! Leo!" His friends said while shaking him Leo was not drunk anymore and managed to stand up by himself "Woah dude you collapsed all of a sudden,are you okay?" His friend asked "Yes I'm okay.... I need to go home now" Leo answered "Ok dude be careful out there" his friend said before he left Leo thinks about the voice while he was walking.Who was that a demon? A ghost? or maybe some hallucination because he is drunk that time.Leo laughed and he tried to forget about it