[i]'It's odd. I haven't been hired by a human before. But meh, the pay is good and my bosses approved the hire'[/i] The early morning fog curls around his body, his dark blue suit slightly damp from it. In the distance a siren sounds as a police car races through the deserted streets tom some emergency or another. Vaanrasha suppresses a shiver as the cool morning air begins digging through his clothes to chill his flesh. He shrugs his shoulders, shaking off the cold best he can while keeping his eyes on his targets. It is unusual for most humans in this part of town to be awake at this hour, much less hanging decorations when there are no major holidays anywhere nearby. Vaan has little interest in their unusual behavior, however it does mean that his job will be a little more difficult. The job should have been over in a couple minutes. Had they been asleep when he arrived half an hour ago he would have slipped in and the deed would have been done without much of a mess. However he had to change tactics when he spotted them up and about. Now he'll have to talk his way in and try and end it before they can call out for help. Not the biggest fan of killing beings that have absolutely not chance against him, Vaan shakes his head and huffs before walking slowly towards the large house. The street is filled with many lesser houses, but the neighborhood itself is full of very well-to-do families. The kinds of families that expect it quiet at six o'clock in the morning. The siren sound fades just as he reaches the door to the Christensen residence and he takes one last look up and down the street before knocking on the door firmly. [i]'There should be two targets, a husband and wife. I wonder if they have kids. The client wants a clean job, no witnesses, but killing kids leaves a bad taste in my mouth, no matter the race'[/i] He looks up as the door opens wide, the man inside looking very bright and relaxed. “Oh, hello. May I help you?” he says rather quietly, glancing towards a set of stairs at the end of the hall. “Yes sir. Sorry to disturb you at this hour but Mr. Jensen said I needed to get some paperwork to you right away.” he replies, sounding very much like an overworked gofer. The name drop seems to work like a charm and Mr. Christensen steps back to allow him access to the hall. The name was that of the man who hired Vaan, and having noticed that he works in the same place this man does he took a chance that it would get him what he needs. [i]'And it paid off'[/i] he muses as the sandy haired man leads him into the living room. There what he can only assume is the wife, he long brown hair gleaming under the florescent as she turns to look at him with a quizzical expression. [i]'If I can just get them both within arm's reach. . .'[/i] His eyes dart around the room as the man makes for a door at the back of the room. He follows but stops a few feet short of the door. Inside he spots what looks to be a desk and some bookcases. “Jack dear, what's going on?” the woman calls out softly, moving a little closer to Vaan. As she comes around the couch separating them he tenses. “Nothing dear, it just seems Jensen forgot to give me some paperwork. It can only be about the Homenerg project so I'm trying to find the folder. . .” Rummaging can be heard through the doorway, but the wife's attention is now all on Vaan. At first she just has a polite smile on her lips as he moves in a little closer, and her mouth opens as if to ask him a question. However he strikes before a single sound can make it out. With a sickening squelching sound his now clawed hand sinks into her chest just below her ribs. Before she knows it he thrusts upwards and rends her lungs with a sharp twist of his wrist. A faint gurgling comes from her throat and he pulls his arm out with one sharp tug. His tongue snakes out as the clothes around him shimmer and vanish, leaving him in nothing but a brown loincloth. His skin seems to almost fade, but truthfully it's just lightening to his natural color. The red of the blood coating his arm and speckling his skin where he final breath has sprayed it sticks out in stark contrast to his almost pure white skin. As the green fades from his eyes leaving only white orbs in his sockets he turns towards the study door where he can hear the husband calling out to his wife. His tail arches out, pulling her body across the floor so he won't trip on it when the husband emerges. [i]'With all the crap in that room if I kill him in there there’s a good chance of something making a nice loud crash. However out here I've got a nice open space to work with'[/i] Finally the man comes out and Vaan steps forward, His eyes find his wife first, her body laid out beside their plush white couch, but as Vaan takes another step forward his gaze finds the demon her slew her. The swiftly cooling blood on his arm drops down, leaving a trail on the floor from where it drops off his darkened claws. Behind him his tail rises up and begins lashing back and forth, the movement draws the man's attention long enough for Vaan to take the final step he needs. He can hear a scream making it's way up the man's throat from his lungs, but before it can take shape and be released to the world he strikes. Like lightning his tail whips forward, slashing through the man's neck causing a vast spray of blood to cover the area. He staggers slightly to the side, his hands coming half way to his neck before falling limply at his sides. After another second he too falls to the ground, the blood from his mangled throat still pumping out strongly, creating a thick pool of blood on the dark hardwood floors. Vaan stretches slightly, his body a little stiff from standing still for so long out in the cold. The blood now coating his front begins to cool like the stuff on his arm and he decides to wash it off a bit before heading out. Even if he can shift back into his human form, the blood would still be there, and make it harder to walk to the travel agency. Passing the stairs at the end of the front hall he finds the kitchen and begins cleaning up using the sink and a dishrag. He hums lightly to himself. His job now over he seems rather different. His usual stoic stare replaced with a light smile as he removes the proof of his latest target's demise from his flesh.