As the captain walked of to a man, the crew boarded the ship. Alexandér wasn't interested in the captain and the man, he wanted to look around the ship. He always had been a curious fellow and he wouldn't be surprised if it would kill him one day. But if that happened, he atleast died by something he loved doing. After some time, the arrived at the 'sleeping' quarters. Alexandér was one of the last ones inside and quickly claimed one of the hammocks next to the door. He placed his bags on the floor and looked around. It seems like most people packed one bag, two bags tops. But Alex always packed more than he actually needed. After claiming his bed, Alex walked around the ship and found the kitchen as first thing. He walked in and saw some people talking. It sounded like they were not having a friendly conversation. Like there was a tension in the air. Not wanting to join (or starting) a quarrel, he left the kitchen in silence. There was also nothing of interest inside the kitchen for him, at least, not until he was hungry. He walked around some more but found nothing of interest. He sighed as he decided to go outside. There blew a soft breeze and the smell was salty. He walked to the railing and looked at the water. Alexandér wasn't sure where he could help on the ship. He was a bad cook so he wasn't going to help in the kitchen. He could read and write, but only up to a certain point. He was good with numbers though and never had trouble with reading maps. Ah well, Alexandér thought. I'll just wait for someone that needs help and see what I can do. That way, I can enjoy the weather for the time being.