[b]Hazel + The Pub + Herself[/b] Hazel was collapsed on a now nice looking bed, she had her body splayed and was relaxing there. As she looked around the new room she smiled and nodded her approval, she had gone through all the cuts and bruises now on her frail body twenty to be exact, five bite scares, and even a horde. Just to get the rooms cleaned and smell of bodies out of her new hotel, she was still working on the power though. Those machines on the roof confused her, but she had other things to occupy her time. Though it was a nice motel, and the interior looked good, it was defenseless. Which was something she would not handle. She had to keep this motel for herself and weary travelers. Looking at the pile of boards, solid flooring, drywall, and even some paint she sighed heavily, picking herself up and grabbing her tools. She decided to start on defense, the back wasn't accessible, so that would be fine. For now she had to work on the front. So she huffed and put boards in the windows, no more natural light, it was all gone now, dark and silent. After some of the widows were boarded she decorated some with nice looking grey curtains, they covered the boards and made the room even darker. When she got power she would need to work on lighting, she wanted an indoor greenhouse, for fruits and vegetables. That would be simple enough...she hoped. She had boarded almost every window, it was three floors up, and she had the first two floors complete with curtains and cuteness. The air here felt warm and fun too, she was able to relax here but she didn't. Instead she started to patch up the drywall, her parents had done this many a times when the walls were shot up accidentally, so she patched up some of the more minor holes with mud, then with a frustrated sigh, placed drywall boards on every place that was too major for her skills. Afterwards she was tried, she had hurt herself, she was sweating. But the walls, the walls looked...good enough. Once the mud dried she would paint, she needed a partner! Walking over to her room, the only one she had fit with furniture and good bedding, well it was the only one on the third floor. Locking her door she smiled, taking her dagger and putting it under her pillow. Then she was bored, it had been only five minutes and she was ready to start again. Maybe she was an insomniac now? But she decided to go with the fact she was determined. With a groan she started up once more, painting tomorrow, flooring wasn't needed yet, and all she had to do was fix the power! So, climbing up onto the roof she looked at the directions she had held down with a rock and started to read, after going through it twice she started, murmuring the directions out loud and using all the strange, harmful power tools she had too. ~*~ So far...she had one panel done, she was finishing one half of one too. It was all, confusing. Her hands had been electrocuted, she had almost put a screw through her finger earlier, and still she worked. After getting two more panels done, she smiled. They would have to sit for a day to get started, then they would all work well, she once again hoped. Getting to work on the other panels she smiled, being as confident as possible. She was tired and yet knew this was vital. Once she was done here she had to set up a steady supply of trade and or have a good amount of food stocked up. She had to go back to the store, or raid houses, whatever it would take. ~*~ They were done...kind of. Some of the screws were loose still, the wires, she had to work on tightening them but for now it would be enough. And so, feeling proud she looked over the rest of the roof. This would be part of the garden area, she would still have the indoor garden, so she wouldn't have to worry about raiders. Climbing down the rickety ladder carefully she sighed, muttering things about having to fix something else. Walking back inside of the motel she grabbed some soil, old paneling, seeds, and some of the water the couple had stored there. This was good, she had a steady foundation already. A steady foundation that smelled of fresh mud, air refreshers, and any good smelling perfume sample she could find at the store. First she brought up the paneling, it was some of the mildewed stuff and some of the newer stuff she had destroyed so she decided on using it. Next she took up the soil, and then the seeds, lastly she took up the water. All with precise care and her Glock in her belt. Starting the greenhouse was simple enough, she took screws that hadn't been used and nails that had been bent to make the structure. Though it took a horribly long time. After the simple foundation was set, she took an old piece of rusted metal from the roof; that looked like a huge tin can, and used it as a shovel. Taking out the rocks and weird sandy clay stuff to reveal the simple concrete. She then used her hands to rip open the sacks of soil. Pouring them out into the now two feet trench, taking her rusted tin can thing she made small lines. Then taking the seeds and placing a few of certain types; carrots, iceberg lettuce, cucumbers, and then some spinach. She didn't know how exactly it worked but the packages had directions and they also said 'beginner' in bright red letters. ~*~ After taking her time to plant the vegetables she smiled, now working on those fancy upside-down tomato growers and a few kits of strawberries, blueberries, something called rhubarbs, and even raspberries. Then she decided on doing a simple top, made of the weird stringy stuff she had found on the windows and ripped off. Once finished she covered the seeds in dirt, and watered each plant. Going downstairs and smiling, this was the worst and best day of her lifetime. It was worth it though, since the rooms didn't 'need' painting, [i]The Pub[/i] was officially open for business. Right smack dab in the middle of New Orleans.