Young Daniel Christensen had been put in bed early like always. The boy had curled himself in his blankets in an attempt to stay warm and fall asleep. But the golden haired boy didn't succeed. For hours he laid there staring at the ceiling with his teddy bear in his arms. His parents had told him to just try and sleep, eventually he'd grow tired. But that had been easier said than done for the young man. He tossed and turned. Closed his eyes and then opened them again. He really tried his best to fall asleep but Daniel just couldn't. Eventually he turned on his side and looked outside. His window was big and he had a beautiful view over the city. The countless amount of lights made it look like the dark skies were merely reflecting what was down on earth. It was only that pale moon that was too beautiful to be part of the world he lived in. It belonged up there. The boy would often look out over the city and look up at the sky. During the day he'd count the little puffs of clouds or close his eyes and imagined that he was a bird. At night he'd count the stars and whisper to the moon. Unlike many children Daniel loved the night. It was calm and beautiful, even though there wasn't much to see. But back to Daniel. Daniel was home schooled. Before that he had always been schooled at a normal school with other children. But the young boy would get distracted all the time. He'd see people walk outside, but they weren't really people. He'd see things that others didn't see. He'd hear voices whisper to him when everyone was silent. Nothing threatening, but just whispers that hadn't even been directed to him. It was strange, but he felt comforted by most of them. They hadn't ever harmed him unlike people did, nor had they ever laughed at him when he told someone he saw something. He'd sometimes wonder whether they were there to guard him. But, of course, the young boy had no clue that most of those voices he heard were of cruel murderers and night dwellers. But he'd find out soon enough.That exact night to be more precise. The young man heard the front door open and the low voice of his father, muffled by the walls, sound in the hallway. Wasn't it too late for visitors? Moments later, after hearing some voices, he hadn't heard anything for a long time. He thought that the man, or woman, had left and he could now ask his mother to sing him to sleep like she'd always do when he couldn't sleep. So softly he sat up and got with both feet on the ground. With his teddy bear held tightly to his little chest he walked down the stairs. When he was in the hallway he hesitantly called for his mother as he wasn't certain where she was. "Mother?" He asked softly as he walked through the house on his bare feet. "Father?" He then called a bit louder. Little Daniel made the decision to see whether his father was at the study, but before he could even reach those doors he froze in his tracks. He was staring at his mother who was laying down in an eerily strange position. Her eyes were looking up at the ceiling and her mouth was opened in a disturbing way. "Mom..? " Dan whispered as he slowly took a step closer. "Mommy, wake up.. You shouldn't sleep on the floor. You'll get ill..." He gave a soft push against his mother's arm. He could see the dark stain of blood on her clothing and on the floor, but he couldn't make the connection between that and his mother. Then he slowly lifted his gaze and saw his father. His father had a deep cut in his neck, but still the boy couldn't make the connection between that and their odd way of 'sleeping'. Actually he just tried hard to deny it. How would they have died like that? No, it wasn't real because his father told him he'd never leave him alone. The young boy knelt down besides his father, parts of his legs and his hands now covered with the still warm blood. "Daddy?" He asked softly. Daniel looked back and forth between his parents until he felt a feeling of panic wash over him. Tears started to fill his eyes as he continued to look back and forth between them, waiting for the slightest of movements. "Wake up.." He said in a now begging tone. "Wake up.. I can't sleep. You have to put me to sleep." He shook his mother's shoulders again. "Wake up.. Wake up, wake up now." He repeated himself over and over again as tears streamed down his face. "Why aren't you waking up?" He finally sobbed as he almost choked on his tears in the middle of the pool of his father's blood.