Will felt a grin of victory getting formed on his lips when the man admitted he could have been more polite. He wasn't quite sure why he had felt so victorious to be right about something around this man. He wondered whether it was because of the way the man had eyed him during their conversation, or simply the fact he looks smart. Whatever it was, it was probably a poor reason to feel the way he did. But then he was told he too could have been more polite and his grin fainted. The man had been right. Will thought about it for a moment. He admitted the man had been right and the feeling of victory had now washed away completely. The man won nonetheless. He watched him get up and ran his fingers through his hair a few times as he glanced up and followed his movements with his curious hazel eyes. Will listened to what the man said and nodded silently. He understood what he was saying, but he wasn't quite sure what that had to do with him at this very moment. Or maybe it had been a trick question. Will was uncertain whether he needed to say something to outsmart the man. But then he decided that, even if it had been a trick question he couldn't outsmart the other, obviously wiser, man. Besides that, it hadn't been a trick. When he started about the tone he had spoken in he felt a somewhat choking sensation. Just say it for god's sake, he thought almost out loud. Then he heard he got the job. Will really had to try his best not the start grinning but to stay professional. But it had been obvious that he was excited. It was to be seen in his eyes. He gave a few quick nods when he was told he needed to be at his desk at five the very next morning. After a few seconds it was just him there. The guard had left and Will was still processing everything. But then suddenly he started grinning and got on his feet. He got the job. He put his hands together and smiled pleasantly as he realized he had just gotten himself a job at a great company. He was looking forward to tomorrow. Maybe for this one time it wouldn't be hard to wake up in the morning. No, he actually doubted that. Mornings stayed mornings. Finally he got himself on his feet and picked up his bag. He should get home and prepare himself for tomorrow. How? He wasn't quite sure just yet. He had to wait for a little while for the elevator, but once it was there he quickly stepped in and pushed on the button that would get him to the first floor. He was still grinning like some sort of idiot, pleased with what he had achieved that day. When he got downstairs he had managed to stop his stupid smirk so no one would look at him as if they'd see a skinny psychopath walking around with his stupid grin. After an hour he was home and had planted himself on the couch. Should he go out and celebrate it with the little friends he had? No, that would be a horrible idea. He didn't want to have a hangover the very first day he started working. Especially when he had to be there at five AM. It was only now that he realized how early that was. That meant he had to get out at four to have enough time to chance, eat and brush his teeth. Then he'd have to rush for a cab. That was going to be a fun process.. He wasn't a morning person at all. But he'd be there. He couldn't be late for his first day.