Watching his crew mill about was as boring as watching paint dry. Deren leaned on some of the railing, trying to see if any of them would actually bother to ask questions or approach him. None of them did. It looked like he'd have to go around asking the questions, what they were good at and such. He checked his pocket watch. Ten minutes until they were off. Deren walked down, passing a few men looking off into the water and a nobleman - Deren did seem to look him up and down before carrying on - he was speaking to someone. Nessy? Ness? Someone. He went down some more stairs as he went into the sleeping quarters and into the kitchen, passing a man who had fallen off his hammock. This was his crew so far. The man who had fallen was... Az... Something Az. Or was it Wren? He gave up trying to guess his name. The man helping him up was Kale. He was sure of this. He supposed first he should try to find a decent cook - since the cook would be needed sooner than the rest of the positions - as the men here had been getting food from their wives or daughters, so the kitchen was unused and stocked. It was not, however, stocked with a cook right now. "I don't suppose any of you know how to cook an edible meal?" His voice was raised, as there was a bit of tension in the kitchen. It would do him no good if someone got killed so soon, they didn't even have a surgeon. Deren looked at the redheaded man, looking things over in the kitchen. Another 'A' name. Arin? Hell if he knew. Other man was Sullivan, something like that. "It's fully stocked, if that's what you're wondering. I assume you're capable of cooking something that isn't burnt to a crisp?" Deren cleared his throat and added, "What was your name again?"