[quote=Jorick] He was a goober who came into Spam being an idiot, and many of us gave him loads of shit for it. After a couple weeks or so of being gone form Spam, he came in with pictures of himself with that "blood" smeared on his face, as you see in Holmes's lovely image. I can't remember if he said he got into a fight or was learning how to fight, but it was something to do with fighting and him being good at it, and that the bloody nose was from that. Apparently the thing to do with a bloody nose is to use said blood as impromptu war paint and then take pics and put them up for the internet to see.He was a silly little shit, that's for sure. [/quote] I got a good chuckle out of that. I like to imagine his thought process being something along the lines of, "Man, they're going to think I am just the coolest. Maybe I should have painted a kitty face? No, too much."