Basic Information Name: Lexina Age:23 Gender: Species: Pure blood sith Homeworld: Dromuund Kaas Current Residence: Korriban Current Occupation: Marauder Affiliation: Sith ((Secretly wishes to join the Jedi after witnessing Sith Atrocities.)) Physical Info Appearance: Casual Attire: Battle Attire: Personal Info: Connections: None History: Lexina was born on the Sith capital planet of Dromuund Kaas and was sent to the sith world of Korriban at a young age. It was there that she began her training in the ways of the sith but after years of training on Korriban and after witnessing apprentices murdering each other through increasingly creative ways, she came to a realization: She wasn't cut out to be sith. She had felt sick to her stomach when witnessing or hearing about the atrocities the sth committed in the name of preserving the Empire. She could feel disturbances in the force when apprentices killed each other in a way that would actually mentally hurt her. Unfortunately for her, Korriban wasn't exactly a forgiving environment and as such, she was forced to act the part of a proper sith until she could accomplish what she felt what would be the best thing for her to do. Somehow manage to escape from the sith and join the Jedi Order. Personality: Lexina is careful and cautious due to the fact that she is training amongst dozens of people who would kill her without a second thought in order to advance their position in the Empire. If she sees no other way out though, she will fight and she is a very skilled duelist with her twin Lightsabers. Combat Info: Weaponry: Lexina carries two Lightsabers that have been custom built by her. She is very skilled in using them as well. Non-Weapon Technology: Portable Holo-communicator. Armor: The armor she wears is light and allows her freedom of movement in battle. Standard Abilities: Skilled Lightsaber duelist. Force Abilities: Force Push Force Wave Force Confusion. ((Don't worry, this will not be used against other players.)) Duel saber throw. She doesn't like to use it as it's possible to harm innocents if they get in the way. Special Abilities: None. Other Info: None