Name: Aoba Race: Angel, Fallen Angel Age: Unknown Height: 5"11 Weight: The perfect weight Hair: Light brown, short length hair. It's always kept in a neat short style. Eyes: Deep blue eyes Skin: Fair skin, that color in between pale and tanned Build: Slender build, with toned leg muscles. Clothes: As an angel, he is normally clad in a typical white robe, but because he is apart of the medical team, his sleeves are short and loose to keep them out of the way. His robe is a pure white color, like many others but his is shorter to coexist with the constant moving he has to do in order to tend the warrior angels, and others who get hurt. So, he wears white pants. The only thing thay isn't white is the deep blue tie around his waist that signifies his status as a medic. Accessories: None Powers/Skills(If Applicable): As a medic, he was graced with the power to heal, along with his white fluffy wings. But most of his power is stripped away, so he's not left with much. General Personality: Aoba is kind, caring, and a hardworker. In everything he does he tries to give his all. This young angel is also very curious. He doesn't get to go to earth like the higher up medics, so he's left to question and wonder. Aoba always wants to know why things work the way they do, and his curiosity can sometimes get him into trouble. As an angel, he's pure, although not all angels are pure of heart, especially not the warrior angels. Background: Aoba was given life, and his first duties were simply to "be a good little angel". Despite having such pure statuses as angels, he was always casted aside and ignored while everyone attended to "more important things". One day he decided he needed to prove that he existed to the higher up angels, so he became a medic. The young angel is good at what he does, but he still has a hard time trying to impress the others, and that seems to be a goal of his. If only he could impress the higher angels with the brighter glows and the prettier wings.