[center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Zarrosh the Faceless [b]Age:[/b] 37 [b]Race:[/b] Orc [b]Sex:[/b] Male [hider=Appearance][img=http://i.imgur.com/smb1k55.jpg][/hider] [b]Homeland:[/b] The Free Holds [hider=History]Born and raised in shackles, Zarrosh lived a life of servitude and hard labor until finally being freed by the Goblin Revolt several years ago. Determined to make his own fortune like those who owned him, Zarrosh chose to sell his sword instead of join the Revolt. His freedom was newly found, and more worth protecting than the freedom of others. The world was cruel, and he aspired not just to survive it, but to conquere it. Soon his face was, like his back, covered in scars. Whether by whips or by blades, they all told the story of the orc that was given pain, but lived past it. Defending warlord clients, raiding for warlord clients, the work was not what mattered. The gold was what Zarrosh craved. And that was his downfall. After Marcus Verger, a particularly slimy client, refused to pay him for his services, Zarrosh hunted him down and found himself trapped. Verger had captured Zarrosh, and instead of parting with his own gold in return for the orc's services, would be lining his pockets with more of it by selling him to slavers. Shortly after, a customer named Garrett bought the orc. Zarrosh was, once again, a slave. When one becomes a slave in the Free Holds, they have no idea what life they are being handed. Will they build for their master, or destroy? Will they give pleasure to others, or pain? To a degree, it depends on the slave. If Zarrosh was a beautiful human woman, perhaps his body would be used to relieve others for the profit of his owner, but there is not nearly as high a demand for the intimacy that a battle-hardened male orc could provide. No, Zarrosh was not left chained to a wall, behind a silk curtain in a pleasure house... Zarrosh was sent to an arena. In the arena, masters bet gold on their slave's success in the pit, and by winning they must give a percentage of their winnings to their slave. With enough victories, a slave may buy his freedom back from their master, but they don't survive for long without equipment only their master can provide. There is where the freedom so seemingly easily earned became impossible to attain: masters force their slaves to [i]purchase[/i] this equipment for ridiculous amounts of money, taking away all of the progress the slave made by winning their fights. Zarrosh, however, was simply unwilling to part with his gold. He didn't care if he was a slave or a sellsword, the gold he earned was his, and the orc would buy his freedom or cost his master by dying in the process. Soon his skill in the pit and scarred body were memorable enough to bring a new level of audience attendence to the arena, where the orc slave with the scarred face was an attraction to the paying crowd. They called him Zarrosh the Maimed. As time went on, the gold poured in more quickly than anticipated. Zarrosh was fighting such valuable slave opponents that his freedom was quickly becoming a reality, and he didn't spend a single coin of his winnings along the way. His penultimate opponent, a ogre worth over ten times as much as Zarrosh himself was when purchased, was the toughest fight yet, but he fell just as all the others did. Before his final fight, Zarrosh was summoned by his master. Garrett warned him that the ogre's owner was furious about his loss, and that he'd bribed the arena's owner enough that he was granted the ability to bring three opponents into the pit for Zarrosh's next match. The orc had won all of his matches with a greatsword and no armor, but had no chance against three well-equipped opponents without some sort of advantage. And Garrett offered it to him: a mask, a holy relic that would allow the wearer to channel their stamina into divine power that could destroy all three opponents without Zarrosh breaking a sweat. He began to decline, but Garrett gave him all the information he needed to accept the offer: the mask was [b]free[/b]. The match would give Garrett more than enough gold to live comfortably for the forseeable future, and he would be honored to be the first master to bring a slave to freedom in the arena. So Zarrosh put on the mask. His greatest mistake. The energy it gave him was amazing, and the holy power flowed through him, but then he tried to take the mask off. Somehow, magically, it was stuck to his face. Suddenly guards arrived and dragged the confused orc to the pit, Garrett informing his slave that the mask was cursed, and could not be removed so long as the wearer lived. Before he could try and consider what had just happened to him, Zarrosh was in the arena pit, his freedom on the line in a fight against three other slaves. Furious, the orc found that his energy actually was capable of being channeled through the mask, a noticable portion of his stamina exchanged for holy power. Striking down his opponents with ease, Zarrosh held his blade up high, forgetting the mask for a moment to soak up the glory of freedom being returned to him. That is, of course, until the announcer referred to him as the 'Faceless Warrior', stating that this was his [i]first[/i] victory. It all made sense now. Garrett had created a new identity for Zarrosh to be forced into. He could claim that the 'Faceless Warrior' cost whatever number he came up with, and not even Zarrosh himself could prove Garrett a liar. The matches would make Garrett potentially limitless amounts of gold, and Zarrosh's quest for freedom would simply be forgotten. Of course, the plan did not account for Zarrosh fighting back. As guards came to collect the winner, he tapped again into his stamina and cut them down, making his way through the arena's underground halls to find the man that cursed him, and answers about the supposedly-cursed mask. While searching for Garrett, Zarrosh killed a guard stationed at a cell containing several slaves. Freeing them, he ordered the men to find more slaves, free them, and take back their freedom. In the ensuing chaos, Zarrosh found Garrett and cornered the former master, promising to spare him if he gave Zarrosh every bit of information he had on the mask and how to remove it. Garrett confessed that the mask was an investment on Zarrosh, bought from a vendor in Tuleria. The merchant told Garrett that the item was a long-cursed mask created by angels, used to force the guilty to fight the darkness of the world and find redemption. The curse would allow them to channel their inner strength and manifest it in the form of holy power, but would forever force them to be faceless warriors during their enslavement. Garrett, with a laugh, told Zarrosh that he felt it was only fitting to have a slave wear a slave's mask, and mused that only an angel would possibly have the power to remove such a curse. Upset that he would have to live the rest of his life behind a mask, Zarrosh broke his promise to Garrett, killing his former master. As the blade cut Garrett through the middle, his coin purse fell. Gold spilled across the ground, droplets of blood falling from Zarrosh's blade onto the coins. Everything, from Verger and Garrett's greed to Zarrosh's own, revolved around the almighty currency. The gods were banished, but this diety was not, and would take men's hearts with nothing but a promise of an easy life ahead. Men lived and died becasue of it, bodies were traded for it, and freedom was bought and sold with it. But he would no longer live under its rule. In the year following, Zarrosh spent his time hunting down those who wronged him. The man that owned the ogre was quickly found and cut apart, Marcus Verger was beaten to death and soon Zarrosh was without direction. He considered finally joining the Goblin Revolt, but the desire to free himself from the mask's curse forced him to continue to travel. And one day, on his journey, a man recognized the writing on his mask. An ancient language used by both gods and men, promising freedom in exchange for service to the light, [i]the power of the holy guarding his very soul[/i]. The man, a priest, told Zarrosh that this text must mean that corruption cannot poison the soul of the mask's wearer, and asked him to consider joining the Queen's Blades and using his blessing to help others. Zarrosh did not know how true the mask's writing was, or how much good he could do for the world, but has nowhere else to go. Of course, saving the world with heroes from all across it might help the people come together as well, leading to the end of the barbaric ways of the Free Holds. Of course, he might also find a cure for his curse along the way.[/hider] [b]Motivation:[/b] Unification of the living world and removal of his curse. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] --Trait 1. Endurance Training --Trait 2. Heavy Hitter --Trait 3. Defender [b]Unique Traits[/b] --Trait 1. Blessing of the Bound: To fight for the gods, a holy warrior must have the power of the gods behind them. By drawing on their own energy, the wearer of the mask can convert their stamina to holy power, unleashing a devastating attack that tires the user, but greatly damages the target. --Trait 2. Curse of the Bound: To be a true soldier of the Angels, the wearer of the Cursed Mask is unaffected by the corruption of the Nine Hells. Of course, a power of that magnitude does not go unnoticed. As an added detriment, the mask cannot be removed by normal means, the curse too strong for simple magic to affect. [b]Equipment List[/b] -Cursed Mask of the Bound -steel plate armor (no helm) -dull blue cloak -claymore [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] Not out of the question. [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] If so, there better be a whole slew of collectable plushies in Renalta. Dibs on the Nash Skullbringer plushie. [b]Signature:[/b] PCSutfin