Well, since Xaxl is AWOL that leaves only a few nations who you might be expected to run into. Here's the rundown: -The Vazri Swarms are probably sending fleets to harass your Northwestern borders, constantly, all the time. They are a stone-throw North of you. -The Synchronicity are in a dark Nebula a ways to the Northwest, and they have enough stuff going on that they can be detected easily enough - but they largely keep to themselves, as I understand it, and their area of space is pretty hazardous and inhospitable. -Hounderhowl's robot faction is sending out scouts ships relatively soon, and I think at least one was headed in your general direction. -The EOA are creeping up on you from the Southeast. If their construction of VMIs holds to its current pattern, they'll start building around and within the Empire sooner rather than later. In addition, they are your closest neighbors [u]in every direction[/u] - they have Starbases to your Southwest, North, and Northeast, and they control two planetary systems directly to your South and North as well. Like the synchronicity, they also tend to keep to themselves, but give it a while and you won't be able to turn a corner without seeing them. Just look: [IMG]http://i196.photobucket.com/albums/aa87/MoxIllusion/LatestMapVersion_zps4ea5d2b3.png[/IMG] It occurs to me the the Empire must have scouts, deep space reconnaissance and all that jazz - and the Empire is an Empire. If you don't know what direction to head in, do some scouting, designate some priorities, and then act accordingly. Perhaps you want to launch counter-attacks against the Vazri? Maybe do some snooping in the Dead Stars nebula? Perhaps do something about those no-good geometric gits encroaching on your turf? Go forth and conquer, imperial.