Chris was Tending to the Care home garden cutting the overgrown bush's. He was thinking of the Dream he had and the voice he heard. it seemed familer somehow but also distant and discorded. A storm grew over head the rain pattered down on the bush. Chris decided to give up in the rain and went to head inside but a voice trickled through his brain "so you've finally stopped trying to keep me out hehe" "who the hell are you" Chris asked Annoyed at this intruder in his brain. Something started pulling him like a invisible rope he was trying to resist but it was futile "where you going" the voice asked questionably "i don't know i seem to be drawn on a hook or rope" Chris replied a hint of fear in his voice. "demon tongue its acting as a beacon its calling us to it hehe" the voice said barely hiding its enjoyment "is that a good thing or a bad thing" Chris replied panic slowly taken his mind "well lets just say the last person who ended up calling me against my will is in pieces" the voice said Threateningly some minutes later.. The Force was pulling Chris closer and closer to a war-zone a Creature rushed out from the undergrowth towards a Shadow in the skies. "whats happening" Chris asked knowing nothing will be the same. "oh some chaos is going on i can smell blood in the air" the Creature replied almost hungrily But suddenly a human with claws Leaped at Chris form behind he was sent sprawling to the floor in a rumble of teeth,claws,hands and fists "shit" Chris shouted as the creature dug its teeth into his ankle Chris tried to crawl away but to know avail the creature was to powerful...