[center] [b]An Rp based upon the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles game for the Gamecube.[/b] [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20080928184934/finalfantasy/images/5/52/Final_Fantasy_Crystal_Chronicles_battle1.jpg] [u]Main Idea[/u] This can be altered on, but I would like us all to pick our favorite species and create our character like in the game. We can be apart of the same caravan, or different ones, generally I wouldn't like to many outside of the main village, but a few outsiders would be cool. Just the basic caravan journey. Generally this will mean that you can't be the same exact type of species as another. [e.g. I'm gonna be the headband clavat so you can't.] however you can have major alters to be the same, or make your own entirely. (Like a sash clavat would be kinda cool) Im gonna call the main town Tipa so no one fights over the name. If your not apart of tipa you have to be apart of an existing town in the game. [u]Any Limitations[/u] A max of eight per Caravan No romantic partners at the start. if there is any romance, you have to learn to balance your posts for everyone. Don't forget to subscribe if your in. I would like if you gave me your character here. (not required) Generally I'm thinking that we ignore the main plot in the game (if you know the main plot) and just carry on our journey.... Forgot the map? the places...? well here ya go. [img=http://i590.photobucket.com/albums/ss343/Chrylencreek-Gaanaru/RP%20Images/newmap.jpg?t=1295680799] [u]People who are in[/u] (6 out of 8) ShotoNemar - Tathi - headband clavate - Tipa Caravan YamiCuoreLaroux - possibly silkie Charlie Isoshi Amrita DimCarcosa - Dark mage Yuke[/center]