[center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Andrea Llolth'Allin [b]Age:[/b] 543 [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf/Drow [b]Sex:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://i1122.photobucket.com/albums/l531/JManticore/Smalllolth.jpg] [/hider] [b]Homeland:[/b] The Underdark [i]The Underdark:[/i] A realm hidden underneath the world known as the Underdark, it is accessible through mostly mountainous areas. It leads miles into the ground, leading to the Drow, the Dwarves, and even Mindflayers. This land is entirely unmapped due to its chaotic and ever-changing nature; a tunnel that was there a week ago may no longer exist now. Most supernatural creatures hide within its depths as well, safe from the overworld thanks to the Drow’s inability to care that they exist, and the Dwarves mostly congregating near the surface. The Drow live in a couple of large cities, where they sell indentured slaves, and have a primarily matriarchal government though men are not entirely excluded from power. Their architecture and general appearance often glorifies spiders and other arachnids, and they are infamous schemers and backstabbers, though few know the underground passages quite like they do, for even with its chaotic nature they know how to navigate it. The Dwarves, on the other hand, live in great cities of iron and timber, and focus on living within mountains as natural fortresses. They are known as an eccentric people who have a love of all things rare and antique, and are often compared to the world’s greatest collective of librarians and collectors. They are also one of the only races whom speak and sometimes trade with the ever enigmatic Mechanists. [b]History:[/b] So much had changed, the surface world had been turned upside by a blue haired woman of legend and her band of merry misfits. And in the ever darkness of the hidden world below the surface, the Underdark, eyes that belonged to powerful entities turned to the surface after the gods were banished. One such entity, who can count on the allegiance of a great amount of Drow decided to send several of her agents, her acolytes to the surface, doing it's bidding and seek out this new, true Queen of Renalta and see what fate will determine will fall upon both the surface world... and the world below. [b]Motivation:[/b] Because she was commanded to by *censored* [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] --Trait 1, [hider=Raw Talent] After a few (or perhaps several) failed attempts at magic, you suddenly found yourself able to bring a raw spark of power to life in your hands. After being awed by it, you found that you could consistently control and contort this power to your will. You could conjure subtle things, flashes of light or wreathing your hands in fire. (Basics of casting magic power-wise.) [/hider] --Trait 2, [hider=Apprentice] Combined with Raw Talent, you’ve learned how to harness that raw magical power into a consistent train of thought. Through studying a few tomes and, possible, learning from the Mage’s Guild, you’ve focused yourself onto a single school of magic. This will help focus your power into something consistent and tangible, but it’s only the beginning... (Basics of understanding magic. One school of magic unlocked.) [/hider] --Trait 3, [hider=Awakened Meditation II] Through great discipline you have figured out how to tap into the natural magic in the air all around you. It will still take time and practice to master, but nonetheless, this has increased the amount of spells you can cast before you fatigue yourself, and increased the rate at which you regain your energy to cast more spells. (Basics of increasing your magic limitations, and recovery speed from casting magical spells.) Rapid Mental Recovery (Rank 2): You have mastered the art of magic to the point where you can recover fully between battles, and have started to develop a small ability to 'steal' and absorb the magic others throw at you. (Basics of spell stealing (passive), this character fully recovers between multiple battles in a single mission.) [/hider] --Trait 4, [hider=Slippery] You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You’ve decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you’re still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.) [/hider] [b]Unique Traits[/b] --Trait 1. Divine Connection II, Lollth's blessing, Andrea's belief in her faith and her goddess while all gods are banished seems idiotic to some. And yet... somehow it seems that at times her spells are more powerful than one would expect. (Can ask her Goddess/GM to 'supercharge' a spell, be it using a minor heal to make a crit injured person or a damage spel that deals much more damage than one would expect, additional GM note, can only be used once in a battle/area and only for Holy/Divine Magic). Lollth's Aura, knowing certain her goddess still blesses her Andrea can will people to fear or fall into submissiveness to her by summoning Lollth's strange allure and charisma into being like an aura, but as expected from a goddess who prides herself on Chaos, she is fickle. If Andrea relies too much on this gift, her goddess will have her amusement by making the opposite of what Andrea wants to happen occur. --Trait 2. Snake Whip, either through her magic, or a blessing from her goddess, ignoring any claims that she is death or banished still, her whip has become alive, the length of the whip a sentient, living snake that will bite any target she would hit with it's fangs. With time she hopes to either with her magic or more gifts from Lollth, add more snake heads and perhaps have them deliver poison from their bites (eg with trait upgrades). --Trait 3. Elementalist, Andrea has the potential to become a true elementalist with ease, to control the magic and power of all four elements, she also has more affinity with elemental magic than with any other type of magic. Currently she only has unlocked the powers of Fire and Air, but the other two will come to her in time... [b]Magic Schools Known:[/b] Fire Magic Air Magic Holy/Divine Magic [b]Achievements:[/b] --Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.) --Mistress of Webs: You know exactly how to talk to beasts and animals, especially those related to arachnids in one form or another, and can often soothe them through magic. (Minor bonus to soothing animals, and to taking command of arachnids.) (Note: Webs also make for a useful ropes, or handcuffs... :unibrow) [b]Equipment List[/b] A dress that is a mixture of robes/cloth and leather in crimson and black colours, with the leather covering her most sensitive organs. A necklace with the symbol of her faith around her neck. Assorted jewelry. Three small knifes, one disguised as a hair decoration, the other two are divided over her boots. A whip with thorns/nails (Rose Whip) Spell Tome, attached with a chain to her waist. [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] I am the creator of the slut sisters... answer enough? [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] Oh yes it does [b]Signature:[/b] Andrea agrees and signs the infernal contract *dips pen in blood* --- [center][b]Biographical Section[/b][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ceann [b]Age:[/b] 232 [b]Race:[/b] Dark Elf/Drow [b]Sex:[/b] Female [hider=Appearance:] [img=http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2014/198/1/8/elven_tracker_by_angel5art-d7j467y.jpg] [/hider] [b]Homeland:[/b] The Underdark [b]History:[/b] UNDER DEVELOPMENT [b]Motivation:[/b] To serve House Llolth'Allin and the Goddess. [center][b]Traits & Equipment[/b][/center] [b]General Traits[/b] --Trait 1, [hider=Sharp II] You’ve started to notice how certain people stand, and how others try to keep certain parts of themselves out of harm’s way, or try to cover up certain not-so-good looking pieces of armour. Given more time, you could manifest this into a real talent for assassinating even the most armoured of targets. (Basics of weakness-finding and lie detecting.) Investigator (Rank 2): Where others might struggle to put the clues together, this character's eyes have grown used to looking for the out of place or abnormal. Chinks in the defenses are easier to locate, and things that aren't natural or off-kilter and relevant to your character's curiosity are easier to detect and find. (Increases chances of finding out of place things and detecting weaknesses in armour. There is a chance that your character will suddenly have a realization about something they didn't understand before (GM assistance).) [/hider] --Trait 2, [hider=Rapid Blows/Rapid Firing] Sometimes, it’s just better to hit something several times in quick succession, instead of trying to hit something really, really hard, and you understand this. Though you aren’t too good at hitting specifically vital points with it yet, or keeping it up for very long. In the case of ranged weapons, one takes a hit to accuracy in exchange for increased fire rate. (Basics of attacking rapidly in an effective manner.) [/hider] --Trait 3, [hider=Stealthy] Every journey begins somewhere for the avid stealth expert, and yours is about on par with that of a cut-purse or a minor bugler. You have the basics down, but to learn more will take time and practice. (Basics of stealth-oriented tasks and escaping.) [/hider] --Trait 4, [hider=Slippery] You are fully aware of what happens if that war hammer the size of a small child hits you square on the chin. You’ve decided to make it a priority to learn how to never let that happen, and while you’re still learning, you understand at least enough to jump back from a blow before it takes off your head. (Basics of dodging and evasion.) [/hider] [b]Unique Traits[/b] --Trait 1, Elemental Arrows, crafted for her by her mistress, these arrows are imbued with elemental abilities that take effect upon impact, depending on what element is used in their creation. (Fire, Lightning, Cold or Acid). --Trait 2, Hidden In Plain Sight II, the way Ceann moves and acts, it is easy to forget or ignore her. She could be standing right in the middle of the room but is not noticed by anyone. (begin rank 2) She has become so apt to this craft now that she somehow makes people ignore her even while she is in plain sight of them, she could brush past someone and they would ignore her presence as if she is just the wind.(end rank 2) --Trait 3, Shadowstep, the ability to move from shadow to shadow, but not (yet without upgrade) through walls or closed doors. [b]Achievements:[/b] --Purple Ribbon: You took a hit for Queen and Country, and have learned how to better handle pain. (Minor bonus to dealing with damage, less likely to fall into shock or succumb to injuries.) --Sharpshooter: You've become accustomed to aiming, then firing. Nifty. (Minor bonus to accuracy.) [b]Equipment List[/b] Dark blue leather armour and black cloak with a hood. Hunting bow & Arrow Quiver 12 Regular Arrows 6 Lightning Arrows 6 Fire Arrows 1 Hunting Knife 1 Longsword Compass Backpack Rope Grappling Hook (can be thrown or fired from a bow) Flint and Steel Waterskin Rations [center][b]Personal Section[/b][/center] [b]Romance:[/b] My choice [b]Does the Kouri Plushie exist?:[/b] yes [b]Signature:[/b] Andrea (and Selvi who will provide most of the input for this character)