A faint creek on the step brings the demon's actions to a halt. His head turns quickly to the side while his fingers dart out to turn off the tap. The telltale pad of small bare feet on wood makes his smile drop. [i]'Oh great, they have at least one kid, and he's about to head right into the mess int eh living room I bet'[/i] Carfully rubbing off the last little bit of the crimson liquid he throws the rag back into the sink and slinks silently towards the stairs. [i]'Maybe if I just do it quickly and leave, not stop to look at it. . .'[/i] He shakes his head. Children feel different when killed. Their flesh is always softer, their bones more easily broken. He can tell by the sound of the footsteps and the voice that it's a small one too, not one very likely to fight back. [i]'The younger they are, the more they seem to just give in'[/i] Coming to the edge of the stairs he braces himself before glancing around the corner. [b]"Mommy, wake up.. You shouldn't sleep on the floor. You'll get ill..."[/b] The scene that greets his eyes is a common one. He can not see the boy's face from his angle but the way he moves, the confusion in his voice. All of it is familiar in a way he really wishes it wasn't. [i]'Why did they have to have a brat. I'm tired of these jobs where they don't tell me about the whole picture!'[/i] He bares his fangs in frustration for a moment but as the child’s voice grows more and more desperate he knows he has to do something before he tarts screaming or tries to run to a neighbor. [i]'That's all I need right now. I barely get work as it is. A slip-up is enough to lose me not only my job, but my ability to keep my relatives away. As long as I do my job, they'll leave me alone, but if I lose it, there'll be hell to pay, and in this family, that is quite literal'[/i] Slowly he moves out from hiding behind the corner of the wall beside the stairs and begins approaching the sobbing child silently. He moves to the side so he can stay out of sight as the boy looks between his slain parents. His breathing slows, not wanting to catch it's attention before he's close enough to grab it should the child try to flee. [b]"Wake up.. I can't sleep. You have to put me to sleep."[/b] In his mind he could hear his elder sisters response to the distraught child's plea. [i]'“Don't worry little boy, I'll put you to sleep. . .” is the kind of thing she'd say at a time like this, taking off the kid's head as soon as he looks at her. She really seems to love tormenting her targets, even if she's not being paid for the extra bodies. It's really not my style though. I may be a demon, but hey, I'm not evil'[/i] The panic seems to finally build to a breaking point and he can hear the child's voice becoming choked. He crouches down slowly and takes a short breath. [i]'Might as well get this over with. I can at least [b]try[/b] and let it die in peace'[/i] Licking his lips he sighs softly. “They aren't sleeping little one.” he murmurs, ready to grab the pajama clad munchkin should he try and flee.