Henry scoffed at Dizzy's remark. He thought it was funny at least. He could understand her frustration though, Kilo had lost more than they should have. That being said, they all knew the risk, and he suspected that when it was his time to go not a lot of people would mourn him. Not that he was unfriendly with anyone, just that he wasn't particularly familiar with anyone but Dizzy. Henry went with her to the mess. In her usual fashion Dizzy asked if they wanted to go drinking. Henry already knew that Dizzy would go and get drunk regardless of whether or not he went with her. Henry shifted his jaw around before nodding yes to a drink. He didn't really want to go, however, he felt that she shouldn't go alone. Not that she couldn't handle herself but Henry would feel somewhat responsible if she tried to drive home while drunk. Often Henry would go with her, have a beer, break up whatever fight she might start, then drive her drunken ass home. He got his wrap, a small chocolate pudding and some milk before going to sit down at the table. Suddenly, but not surprisingly, Dizzy started spewing curses when Echo Niner got called back to the hangar for another mission. Dizzy continued flipping her shit in her usual fashion before telling Henry that he was to take the lead on this one. Dizzy had already begun moving towards the hangar when Henry said, "Good, you fly like an old lady drives anyways!" He said before taking a bite out of his wrap. She stomped her way back to the hangar, Henry a couple of steps behind, trying to fill his face with as much of the wrap as he could, dropping pieces of caesar salad and buffallo chicken on the floor behind him. He only managed to down half his wrap before making it to the hangar. He dropped the remainder of the wrap in the trash can at the entrance. The hangar crew was hurriedly making preparations for launch. "Sitrep!" Henry demanded to the nearest crewman with a clipboard. Before he could answer Henry stopped a passing maintenance man and asked, "You get the hickup fixed?" The man nodded yes and continued his duties.