[b]Four years ago[/b] He couldn´t do it anymore. His body couldn´t handle the sex, drugs and black magic style of life. His hairs were grey, hands shaky and legs weak. Cian felt like a zombie, a mere shadow of his former glory. He knew he would eventually pay for things he had done, but he hoped that his payment will be required after he dies, no sooner. Also his mind mind was slowly decaying. Not that he was any less brighter than he used to be, he had knowledge most people would kill for, or at least he had killed for it, but insanity was slowly coming . His days were blurry and time became a rather relative thing. There was no order in his life, no laws or restriction and Cian was paying the price for it. Not to mention that annoying little thing, the conscience, turning up again after long time, making Cian feel even more miserable. His night were haunted by memories of the things he had done in the past. Things that once make him feel proud and powerful turned into terrible nightmares. He decided to run from this kind of life. From life of moral depravity and terrible actions. Cian wanted to make a change, to undo his sins and live the rest of his life as normally as possible. He knew that hell was waiting for him, long lost illusions about afterlife in heaven, but he still wanted to make something good of his life. It hasn´t taken him much time to pack his things. He hasn´t got much without ancient books of occult lore and talismans of same kind. Just spare cloth, some money and his weary old trench coat. That was all Cain needed, he was running after all, so he had to keep himself light footed. He was just about to leave, when doors burst open. In them stood Emily, beautiful as ever. Even if Cian´s relationship with her wasn´t by no means normal, he still loved her, although love wasn´t exactly fitting word for it. It was more like mutual desire for each other. Cain felt like a moth and Emily was his fire. "You are leaving?" she asked him Her voice was like angel´s, strongly contrasting with her black leather-and-chains visage. It was now or never, he thought. "Yes, I am leaving. This.. I cannot live like this anymore." His answer clearly surprised her and her voice became more dreadful "What do you mean like this? What is wrong with this?! Our lives are like fulfilled dreams!" "That´s the reason! I want to live a life, not his dreamy version. I can´t remember most of last few years, it´s all like blurry stain. Nothing feels real anymore. You could come with me, it´s not too late for us to begin a real life," he said, but he felt that for Emily it already was too late. She had embraced this rigorous life style even more than he did and there was no chance for her to change. "Don´t be fool!" " I won´t be"" he answered and tried to find his way through, but Emily stopped him. "You are not going anywhere!" she yelled with madness in her voice, but Cian just pushed her aside. He used more strength the was necessary and she fell on the ground, even more enraged. "I said, you are not going!" Emily shouted and jumped on him with a shiny, ornamental knife. She was determined to stop him, even at expense of his life. Cian was able to stop her from stabbing him hand and they ended up struggling for a moment. In the end Cian had upper hand on her and was able to turn the blade from himself to Emily, who speared herself on it. He was terrified by his action, and tried to pull the knife out and stop the bleeding, but it was too late, the wound was lethal. Emily on the other side dropped her rage and looked strangely calm. "Running will do you no good now..." she said spitefully in English and then added sentence in unknown language. Air trembled and strange feeling washed over Cian. She was right. He could never run from his curse. [b]One day ago[/b] Cian opened his eyes, clearly annoyed by the dream he had. It was all what nightmares could do, just annoy him. When your life looks like commercial for B grade horror movie, things like bad dreams become just a minor annoyance. And this one wasn´t even proper nightmare, just a painful memory, very painful one... The only dreams that could make him truly shiver were the prophetic ones about murders, and even they depended on amount of creativity the murderer possesed. He shook his head to clear it, but it was never quite possible for him. Choir of voices have taken care of it. At least they were kind of calm this time, fortunately there weren´t many thing on airport that could excite them. He was still unsure why they send him. Almost everyone would be better to choice to greet the new asset to their team, but they send him, not exactly most cheerful guy team had to offer. Maybe they send him because he was from England, thinking that familiar accent could make the newcomer feel more welcomed. Cian seriously doubted that. "He should already be here..." he said