[quote=Tempest] If it comes down to it... I might try to talk to Brovo and see if... I... *takes a deep breath* If it comes down to it, perhaps putting my secondary onto the backburner until their are inactives or drops.... If. Until that point, I have an iron grip on that secondary slot. [/quote] [quote=Elendra] I literally cannot decide what to do for my second character. As some can attest, I have a list several dozen ideas long, and I can't pick which to do. So I'll drop my second one so Levi can get in, because he at least has a clear idea :p Or if that doesn't help, OH WELL, I tried. [/quote] I would like to thank you both [i]so much[/i] for the sacrifices you offered. Thankfully, it doesn't look like it's an issue at this point, but I really appreciate what you guys tried for me.