The enormous and cumbersome man dumped the material on the floor. Yes, perfect. That is the most useful spot for the materials needed to primarily repair the outside of the ship. Inside of his head he was chanting the most offensive swears he can think of towards large white humans. These are not at all for polite conversation, and no, I will not tell you what they are. However, he does not have time to actually voice his concerns towards the pile of shit. As Maxwell decided to test out his new bubble blowers, and then had the brilliant idea to pop them. As his glasses blew off of his face he put his hand to the left of his head, catching them without a second thought. Blood trickled out of his right ear, the sound had blown out his right eardrum. Although it was well within reason for him to yell, it was comical to see Maxwell screaming for no reason. The sound had stopped and it was obvious that he had damaged his own ears. "You're a genius, Maxwell. Let me get you a Nobel Prize for that one." The only thing he could hear in his right ear was ringing, perhaps it was deep ear damage, might be a bit harder to fix. In his left ear he could hear just fine. "Anyway, don't swing those inside the ship anymore!" LeeRoy shouted, knowing that Maxwell wouldn't hear him otherwise. Looking up at Maxwell with his starch white eyes for a moment, admittedly grinning at the stupidity. For a moment he forgot that he wasn't wearing his glasses, and quickly realized when he didn't see the slight glare from his glasses. "Oops." Donning his glasses again he walked over to the medical bay and waved Maxwell back over. "You'll be no help if you can't hear me, let me check how badly you've actually damaged your ears!" Tapping a few buttons of the wall, the main console shut down and all emergency lights went out as well. The overhead light in the medical bay came on and illuminated the room properly, the table's tendrils slid back in as they were no longer online.