[quote=Sherlock Holmes] [/quote] I enjoyed this one for awhile before getting bored with it. Granted I read half of it in one day before the story just stopped being funny, and I probably would've enjoyed it more the next day, but I forgot where I left off. Welp, Comic dump. [url=http://blasternation.com/]Blasternation: Slightly NSFW[/url] [url=http://paranatural.net/]Paranatural: The second most kid-friendly Web-Comic out there, second only to[/url] [url=http://www.gronkcomic.com/]Gronk! This is possibly the cutest and funniest monster out there.[/url] [url=http://www.whompcomic.com/]Whomp. You should probably read it from the first page onwards so you can be surprised when you reach the newest comic. Alt-Texts begin right before the Knife King.[/url] [url=www.twogag.com]Two Guys and Guy... Sociopathy written into a comic.[/url] [url=http://www.lfgcomic.com/]Looking for Group and other comics, such as Tiny Dick Adventures and Non Playable Character.[/url] [url=http://www.allnewissuescomic.com/]All New Issues. I am going to be Hella sad when this is gone soon...[/url] [url=http://ypcomic.com/]Yellow Peril. It's about some Asians and a white chick trying to start a design firm.[/url] [url=http://www.weregeek.com/]WereGeek. The only comic about Geeks with supernatural powers that only show up every other chapter.[/url] [url=http://gastrophobia.com/]GastroPhobia. Its about a mother and her son kicking ass and enslaving assholes for the greater good of-- Oh, who am I kidding. They do it to get paid, like everyone else.[/url] [url=http://battlepug.com/]Battle Pug! Just read it.[/url] [url=http://navcomic.com/]Not a Villain. It's on hiatus, but I assure you it's got better virtual reality than SAO.[/url]