[quote=Drakel] Yes.Than stop complaining on how everyone is bad and mean because you WANT this. You're also admitting to being a troll now as well, which is a bannable offence BTW, though I highly doubt that you are one so I'm just letting you know how you sound. Though you need to seriously stop and let this thread just die like it should and actually just contribute or leave. If you WANT to stay and join the spam community I suggest starting in some games. (IF you're going to stay in them) Games are literally the key into unlocking the door to the spam community and would help you get to know and like the other spammers, which would also help them know and like you. So yeah... Do the right thing... let it go. [/quote] I'm so sorry, but I'm going to start singing now. [center][img=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-3UqDJoCrRRM/Ux3AUoLGrGI/AAAAAAAAA0E/VcorauAG-Uo/s1600/let_it_go_gif_1_by_royal_tarts-d71dod1.gif][/center] [center][img=http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/008/d/6/let_it_go_gif_2_by_royal_tarts-d71dnkr.gif][/center]