Sarah took a step back from the ursathrope, realizing the threat. She showed no worry over the sudden movement and instead trimmed her shirt. She gave a bigger smile and tilted her head slightly. "You know, I wouldn't' test your luck here. The Manager doesn't really like hostility towards his hotel especially with the past years. I'd be happy to mutilate you myself and dance across your fat corpse in your blood if you try anything!" Sarah happily said. "So I'd recommend leaving or renting a room before I do just that!" ---- Rand narrowed his eyes, merely listening to the threats drone on from X. Arguing against the Cherubim would be pointless as he would just get angry and actually do something. Holding his anger back was always the hardest part. He just couldn't let X pick away at him or he would become even more vulnerable. [i]He's a hypocrite as he's essentially trying to murder you now and all others humans before you. This is his method for tearing you apart and ripping your purpose,[/i] Rand though, breathing through his nose. "Then do away with me as you wish as you see me in a cage. What power do I have to resist?" Rand asked, still staring at the ground.