[b] Zivon [/b] …After that night something that Zivon felt had changed him. He felt scared, useless and hopeless. He remembered what happen and how he ended up just going crazy and practical seemed to do nothing. He didn’t want to feel that, he wished he could have done something yet he felt like he was too weak, pathetically weak…just the night with the party. He stopped hanging around people he knew, he instead went directly at his dorm after that. Avoiding contact from nearly everyone he met at that school. He had felt like he would only cause so much trouble from before… What made him feel worst was the fact that his roommate well he never got a chance to meet him so he was stuck in the two-bedroom dorm alone all the time. He knew he had…self esteem issues but yet this was to far from him. Some night he wished he hadn’t gone to the academy, he was happy with his dad… he wasn’t a nuisance or a wreak…as he jumped of the boat… “…Pretty…” Zivon had stared at the beach; he had only seen pictures but not real life. The smell of sea felt relaxing to him. His [url= http://www.fivetofab.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/sunhatSTRAW24.99.jpg] sun hat [/url] flapped against the cool sea breeze. It was floppy and girly but it was the only way he could not be recognized by the people he knew. Also wearing some big black shades, a loose thin long sleeve shirt and some khaki shorts. He didn’t know where to go…like first day of school yet he really had no idea what to do, all he wanted just to be alone and think. He titled the floppy sun hat as he stared of to the sea. [b] Garden [/b] She was so excited, the wind, the beach…she always wanted to go to a beach! With her hair tied into a short pony tail hair style as multiple summer flowers oriented on her hair, she wore a [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/181/d/6/mmd__re_frilly_swim_suit__dl_by_mmdfakewings18-d3klika.png] blue swim suit [/url] with a white semi see though long skirt and white roses across the swim suit. She still had to wear her boots; leaving flowers behind would cause some problems. “Wow!” She walked out of the boat with the pamphlet in her hands, everything looked so beautiful! The sky, the ocean, and the beach…it all amazed her. It was great to get a break, from what happen at that night, people needed this break. She had no idea what to do, swimming or explore the island or mostly Dance! She couldn’t decide but as she was going to explore she looked at her hands. ‘Still there…’ A wedding ring…she had hope this trip will make her forget about it and instead have a wonderful time. [b] Seven [/b] “AARRHHH!!” As immediately the boat was at port Seven screamed out and jumped out of the boat and into the unknown…He ran through the wooden platform, he didn’t want water, he hate water and now stuck on an island…with water everywhere…well it seemed hell to him. He had worn some short overalls and a light pink sleeveless shirt, it was the closets thing to beachwear he had. He ran and there was a coconut tree, he immediately climbed it up and hung around there…hoping that maybe in a few week time they would get of this nightmare and somewhere actually fun. His nails were long and sharp, strong enough to hold him self up the tree. “I am not coming down here!” He shouted really loudly. He snarled at the ocean, it was taunting him…”Stupid ocean…” He grumbled out. ‘Why can’t we go to a theme park or a hotel or something not island related’